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Autumn 2

Christmas fun! Here are some photos of the Celebration party and a visit from a very special person...


Reminder: Your child will now be receiving our lovely, brand new Read, Write Inc home lending books which match the book they are reading in school. They should be read at least three times at home before being changed at school when they have finished the next book in class. Please look after and return these books in good condition for the next child to enjoy. They should be able to read these books and are practising fluency, comprehension and expression when reading them. These are in addition to the weekly picture books which they take home to enjoy being read to by an adult to give them a love of reading. We will no longer be sending home the other reading scheme books such as 'Oxford Reading Tree' until your child is a fluent reader at Grey group level. 


Thank you for your continued support reading with children! We are passionate about helping children become fluent readers who have a love of reading.

In forest school we've been using thermometers and rain gauges to investigate local weather

In forest school the children have been making their own 2d shapes

Lastly we had our computing lesson in the forest school this week. The children took portraits on each other, investigating with landscape and portrait, close up and full length. They learnt how to delete photos and only kept their best ones.

The children have loved Pudsey day and look great in their colourful clothes!

Here are a few photos from our trip. The children did a great job, observing, describing, photographing and sketching the different buildings around Walkley!

In DT this week the children have been working on a 'mock up' of a piece of playground equipment for a small compare bear. They did an amazing job, we can't wait to see their final pieces next week!

This week we have been exploring fitness in PE, trying different types of exercise and describing how it makes us feel.

In Guided Reading we have been reading 'The New Jumper' and learning that its good to be different. Here are the children acting out part of the story.
