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Autumn 2

Dodgeball competition

This week, myself ( Mr Rist) and Miss Edge took a group of wonderful children from Gruffalo's and Giants to Forge Valley for a dodgeball competition against other primary schools. You will see in the photos below, there were lots of great activities for them to practice and improve their throwing skills. They were great role - models for the school and had loads of fun!

In History, the year twos have been exploring how life has changed a lot in the last 150 years. In this topic, children have looked at inventions that they might take for granted and explored how they were invented, created a timeline of how some inventions have been improved over the years and (most importantly) compared and contrasted what life was like before and after it was invented. Firstly they needed to consider what everyday items have been invented and why.

First we learned about the invention of the telephone.

Then we learned about the aeroplane and considered what sources we get our historical evidence from.

Next we looked at the invention of plastic.

Following on from plastic we compared toys from the past to our modern ones.

Then we followed the story of a girl getting a new hearing aid fitted and looked at what people did in the past.

We also made a timeline of how computers have evolved.

In our Friday PE lessons, the Giants have been exploring target games. This has included learning how to score points and play to the rules. They were developing the skills of throwing to targets in this lesson This encouraged them to begin to self-manage their own games, selecting and applying the skills they have learnt appropriate to the situation.

In our Monday PE lessons, Smartest Giants have been learning about and improving their fitness. All term they have been taking part in a range of fitness activities to develop components of fitness. They have begun to explore and develop agility, balance, coordination, speed and stamina. During our skipping activity the children have been given the opportunity to work independently and with others. The year twos showed real perseverance and determination to work for longer periods of time.

Our topic in Autumn has been important inventions from the last 150 years. As well as learning about the amazing inventors themselves, children are learning to understand the timeline of events and see how the world was different before these significant events. Thank you for all your fabulous support at home and helping the children research this subject. In this particular task, the children made aeroplanes from recycled materials.

The children visited Forest school to identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, especially identifying minibeasts in microhabitats. They used a tally chart to gather and record data. We were then able to discuss where certain minibeasts lived and which microhabitat they preferred.

In computing the children are learning to understand that people need to get the correct balance of time spent online and offline. We talked about how the internet and digital devices can be used safely to find things out and to communicate with others. We all agreed that it is important to know to take a break from time online or TV and how physical activity helps us to stay healthy.
