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Autumn 2

In science we tested water resistance by making tinfoil boats with different shaped hulls. We timed how long it took the boats to travel down a channel.

In DT we have been learning about cams, and how the shape of the cam affects the movement produced. We practiced making cardboard cams, we had to be very precise to ensure our cams worked smoothly.

In PE we have started our new unit of Football. We have been practicing various football skills such as dribbling, ball control and passing.

9.11.23 - In History we used the ipads to take photos and produce comic strips showing the Egyptian Mummification process.

3.11.23 - We had our trip to Weston Park Museum. We learnt a about the Ancient Egyptians and made cartouches. We also enjoyed looking at the other exhibitions!

Weston Park Museum visit

Friday 3rd November 2023

Good morning Hiccups and Sun Kings! We hope you had a fantastic half term break and have come back ready for more fun learning.
We are really looking forward to our trip to Weston Park Museum, which will be happening this Friday, 3rd November 2023.
There are quite a few parents/carers who have yet to respond via School Gateway - particularly important if you'd like a lunch provided by school! Please take a few moments to visit the Gateway and complete the relevant sections.
The weather over the next few days could best be described as 'unpredictable' so please come to school dressed for the weather and ready for a walk from school to the museum and back.
Thank you,
The Y5 team.
