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Autumn 2

Week 1

In our Mastering Number sessions we looked at the different combinations to make 7. We looked at how it is always an odd and even number that makes 7. E,G 2 + 5 = 7

In Geography we learnt about the 7 continents of the world and found the country of Japan on a range of maps, satellite images and globes.

Seven Continents Song (Oceania Version)

A song to help kids learn the 7 continents in order from largest to smallest.

Geography | KS1 | KS2 | The world | BBC Teach

In design and technology, we found out that we will design and build model cars this term. In our first lesson we learnt the words wheel, axles and chassis. We identified what these were and how they are connected to each other. We also looked at lots of toy vehicles and went and examined real cars too!

In maths we learnt how to add 2 digit and 1 digit numbers by exchanging tens. The children did a great job using their bonds and base ten sticks.

This term we will put on the show "Jack and the Beanstalk". The children are very excited! We will be holding auditions for speaking parts on Thursday and Friday. Below is the link to the story and the songs for this fabulous pantomime!

In Science we have been categorising animals and their young. Well done all!

In English, we read part of the wonderful book "Leaf" by Sandra Dieckmann. Afterwards, we imagined we were different animals in the story and debated whether the lost polar bear called "Leaf" should leave their island or not.

Week 2

In Design and Technology (DT) we continued to explore wheels, chasiss and axles in preparation for designing and building a toy car for a 7 year old which can move smoothly in a straight line. The children looked at fixed and free moving axles and how to attach them to the chasiss of a car. We also looked at using different sized wheels and what can give a car good balance. Well done all. Perhaps there are some possible future employees for the McLaren factory up the road!

We had a fantastic morning having a "VR experience". We learnt about many different animals including reptiles and birds. We also got to enter a virtual museum and could "move around" different exhibits. The children were fully engaged in this immersive experience, shared fantastic facts and were very well behaved. Well done future scientists!

In PE we are focusing on fitness this term. Today's lesson was all about skipping and we learnt a new skill of using a long rope to jump with. The children were so determined to succeed and cheered on each other so well!

Great skipping!

Still image for this video

Living in a big city - London and Tokyo | Geography - Your World

In Geography, we have really enjoyed comparing the UK with Japan. Here is a great short film looking at the lives of two boys . One lives in Tokyo and the other lives in London. What similarities and differences can you spot?

Well done all for donating to Children in Need. We had a really fun day and did lots of activities to raise money for this super charity.

Week 3

Sandra Dieckmann Reads Leaf for Literati

The children have loved reading and listening to the story of "Leaf" by Sheffield based author and illustrator Sandra Dieckmann!

Geography | KS1 | KS2 | The United Kingdom | BBC Teach

In Geography, we have been identifying human and physical features in Japan and the UK. What human and physical features can you see in this video?

In forest school we explored the snowy landscape and measured sticks to make wands. The Ministry of Magic stated that a wand can measure between 20cm to 30cm so we made sure ours passed the test! We then took them back and painted them with silver, gold and bronze paints.

In forest school today we read the book "Leaf" and acted out the story including collecting lots of colourful leaves! We also used maps of the school and compasses. Great work in the icy conditions!

Week 4

In maths, we have been learning about how to use number lines to subtract. Here are the children working in pairs to find the difference between numbers such as 34 - 21.

In PE we were learning to change direction at speed. Here are the Hodgehegs doing a great job dodging past cones, over hoops and doing a speed bounce task for 20 seconds!

We voted for our classwide reward to be a "Pizza making session". The children did a great job making the sauce with puree and water and added toppings such as cheese, peppers, tomatoes and black olives. Great work chefs!

Week 5

Geography | KS1 | KS2 | Maps | BBC Teach

In Geography this week, we looked at different maps and satellite images of Walkley and then drew a map of our school with a key. Here is more information on how to read maps.

Polar bears and their cubs in the wild | Biology - Wonders of Nature

The Y2s have started to plan how to write a non-chronological information text on the Polar Bear. Please ask your child about these mighty animals!

Week 6

In Computing, the children did an excellent job making their stop motion videos with titles and sounds.

Week 7

The whole of Key Stage 1 did a wonderful job performing Jack and the Beanstalk. They all made us so proud with their wonderful acting, dancing and singing. Thank you to the parents and carers for being a superb audience, thank you to the staff for all their prop making and support and finally thank you to the children for giving it their all!
