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Autumn 2

Look who visited us and gave the class three fabulous Christmas presents...

In Lego club, we have a theme every week. So far we have built cars to win a race, boats to save us from a desert island, houses for our parents, the tallest tower that can stand freely, and NASA commisioned us to build a rocket.

This term, year 1 have been engaging in the PE scheme of fitness. They have been developing their understanding of the benefits of exercise and a healthy lifestyle on their physical body, their mood and their overall health. They have worked independently, in pairs and small groups to complete challenges in which they have sometimes needed to persevere to achieve their personal best. They have needed to master basic movements including running, jumping and throwing. They hace needed to develop balance, agility and co-ordination.

In Design and Technology this term, the children had the design brief of designing, making and evaluating a freestanding toy to play with for themselves. They have needed to generate ideas based on simple design criteria and their own experiences, explaining what they could make. After looking at toys that are freestanding, the children have been developing, modelling and communicating their ideas through talking, mock-ups and drawings. In this lesson the children were practising their cutting skills and using various construction materials to make a mock up of their ideas.

As usual, the year 1s are the choir for the year 2 winter show. We would like the children to wear Christmas jumpers for the performances. There is a dress rehearsal in front of KS2 on Thursday and the actual performance is next Monday. If children could bring in their (labelled) Christmas jumpers ASAP in time for Thursday, that would be fabulous!

The children had an amazing time in the planetarium. They learnt about the planets and the stars and about missions into space. Unfortunately it was too dark to get many good photos but hopefully you can get an idea of the experience!

Please can you save clean cardboard boxes (around tissue box size aproximately) and bring them in ASAP to help us with our DT project this week! Thank you! :) 

Forest school in Autumn 2!! This week we have had lots of fun and lots of learning in forest school. On our first day we were getting to know the space and learn the rules. Day 2 was all about child-led learning. Day three we went out for our maths lesson and created a small Sudoku frame adding to 10. On the fourth day we were making twig towers as high as we could. We were very lucky with the weather and the children were perfectly behaved.

Children in Need 2024 - What an amazing day! As a school we managed to cycle over 100 miles! Check out the cycling action of the Jolly Posties

At the end of term we finished our computing unit: Communicating text and images. Week by week the children learned how to use the ipads safely, how to make an image using an ipad, how to use different tools when making an image, planning what image they were making and then finally using their plan to make their image. These pictures show the plan first and then the finished piece.

Now that children have been exposed to both addition and subtraction, in this small step they build on their knowledge of addition fact families to find all eight facts within a fact family. An example of such a fact family is: 3 + 5 = 8 8 = 3 + 5 5 + 3 = 8 8 = 5 + 3 8 − 5 = 3 3 = 8 − 5 8 − 3 = 5 5 = 8 − 3. In class we found it easier to move around the number facts by moving around children with whiteboards.
