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Autumn 2

Final week


I cannot believe it is nearly the Christmas holidays. On behalf of Mr Gamage, Mrs Goldsmith and myself , I would like to say it has been an absolute pleasure to teach your wonderful children. They are a wonderful class to have the privilege to teach.


This week we have had to finish off our writing on ' How sound is made?'. Below are some examples of their beautiful work.

This week , as part of the festive mood, we have been making pop up cards. The turkeys look incredible! 

Year 3 and 4 had a fantastic time at St Bart’s for our Christmas assembly. Thank you to all of the volunteers who made it such an engaging event!

Week 5


Not long until Christmas ! I hope you are all full of the festive spirit! In geography, we

have been learning all about the 'Water Cycle'. We acted out the different parts of ' The Water Cycle' using the key geographical terms. Look at the videos below.

Charlies - a description of the Water Cycle

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IMG 1444

The Charlies acted out the Water Cycle using the key geographical terms.

Week 3

With the Christmas production rapidly approaching, the Charlies have been really busy practising both the songs and the dances. He's a preview of what you can look forward to!

Children In Need 2024

Here are some of the Charlies contributing to the 100+ miles cycled on the static bikes.

Week 2


In our Literacy lessons this week, we have been reading a shortened version of Julius Caesar by the bard, William Shakespeare. On Tuesday, we had to put ourselves in the shoes of Caesar's so called friend , Brutus. Brutus was faced with a dilemna. Should Caesar be murdered? We looked at the evidence and made our initial decision. We then did an activity called ' Conscience Alley', where a child walked down the corridor and listened to the opinions of the children. At the end, they had to make their decision based on what the children had said. A decision was reached that Caesar should be imprisoned , rather than murdered, as ending his life could potentially lead to civil war.

Also, we had our Lego Class Reward Party, where the children showed off their creativity with all things Lego!

Week 1

Firstly, an apology to grown ups. I made a schoolboy error last week and put the blog for our class on Miss Kendall's class page.

I know you all thought I was perfect, but even I make mistakes!wink

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday! We have had a lot of fun in Literacy this week. As we are studying the Romans in History, we thought it makes perfect sense to study Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar in Literacy. We are working towards writing a biography

of Caesar. Before we get involved in the writing, we engaged in freeze framing key events from Caesar's life such as his civil war with Pompey and his brutal assassination at the hands of Brutus. The children are a very talented bunch when it comes to drama , as you can see by the photographs below.

As part of our Guided Reading, we have been studying a Valerie Bloom poem titled ' We don't believe', which is about monstrous creatures like the changeling and the ghoul. To develop their oracy, children spent were split into groups and spent time rehearsing and developing their fluency with a part of the poem. Well done everybody!

Performance poetry Valerie Bloom

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2024-11-14.

Performance poetry Valerie Bloom

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2024-11-13.

Performance poetry Valerie Bloom

Performance poetry Valerie Bloom Charlies

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2024-11-13.

Performance poetry Valerie Bloom Charlies

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2024-11-13.
