We have just had a very special visitor!!!! Father Christmas has been to visit. He has brought some fantastic presents for us to use at school. We wrote a list last week in case he wanted to come. We received lots of presents we asked for... even jacket potatoes and toilet roll!!!!
Thank you Father Christmas
We had an excellent Christmas dinner. We enjoyed our turkey, potatoes, carrots, pigs in blankets and Brussels sprouts. You can guess which vegetable was left at the end!
What a fantastic party!!!! We played pass the parcel, ate a banquet and danced the afternoon away!
Thank you for your contributions of food.. let's just hope that no one is sick!!
Miss Hill
The Christmas Tree Nativity
The children amaze us everyday but the last two days have been extra special. Not one but three amazing performances of our Christmas play. First, dress rehearsal in front of KS1, Y5, Y6 and special guests. Then a morning performance in front of nearly 100 parents and finally an afternoon performance full to bursting with exciting, nervous and sometimes even weeping parents!
Everyone was amazing! From the animals in the stable (complete with sound affects), to the funky dancing angels, the organised innkeepers and their guests, the parading kings and camels, the sleepy shepherds, the adorable donkeys, the excited children, the eloquent narrators, and... the story wouldn't happen with out Mary, Jesus and the donkey.
Well done to everybody including all the parents and guests for being such a fabulous audience.
Can we have a sleep now? zzzzzzz
This week we have been looking at how we celebrate birthdays. We have read 'Kipper's Birthday' and discussed how Kipper invited his friends to his party tomorrow. He fell asleep and delivered the invitations the next day. He went home to get ready for the party and nobody arrived. He ate his cake alone and went to bed. The next day, his friends arrived! We had a big chat about the meaning of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
We had a phone call from Kipper and he asked us be his party planners because he couldn't do it right on his own. We have written a list of what we need to get ready for that party. The children came up with some great ideas such as; invitations, decorations, balloons, cakes, drinks, food, music, presents and lots more!
We have made party hats and bunting and are nearly ready to have our party for Kipper.
In Little Big Maths, we have been sharing food into equal groups for the party. We decided it wouldn't be fair if one person had more. We talked about giving one piece of food to each person and then keep repeating until we have run out of food.
Our visit to church was rained off... instead, church came to us! We had a lovely time hearing the Christmas story from volunteers from St Bart's Church. We are very nearly ready for our big performances next week. We have been doing lots of singing and the songs are getting stuck in our head. We hope you are looking forward to seeing our nativity. You will probably be able to sing along too!
Thanks everyone for a great week!
Miss Hill
This week has been Online Safety Week. We have read the story of DigiDuck and discussed if he did the right thing to post a silly picture he took of his friends online. This led into a deep discussion about friendship and what it means to be a good friend.
The children came up with some lovely ideas about friendship and how you can be a kind friend. We also discussed why we like our friends. Some beautiful descriptions about each other were said.
"Being kind to your friend and look after them."
"We need to be friends."
"My friend is Eleanor because we play together. "
"My favourite friend is Callie, she is friendly."
"My best friend is Mohannad because we are best friends."
"I like Alex because he shows me how to tidy up."
"Ezra is my best friends because he cuddles me."
We have learnt a poem and a song about friendship that we are going to perform in the Whole School Assembly on Monday.
Miss Hill did something which the children didn't think was right...
We has a chat about how Miss Baron would feel when she saw what Miss Hill had done to the school website.
The children were fantastic and really thought deeply about feelings, doing the right thing and being a great friend.
ALSO... as well as this fantastic discussion, we have been looking at money in Little Big Maths. We have compared the shapes, sizes and colours of the coins and are beginning to talk about their worth. A very hard concept to grasp when we use phones and contactless to pay for things!!!
We have been working hard with our nativity and acting and we can't wait for you to come and watch.
Thanks for another great week!
Miss Hill
What a fantastic week we have had. We had a fabulous trip to the Showroom Cinema. We got to school early so we catch the tram to the train station. The Caterpillars were fantastic and shows Miss Hill was to do as this was her first time on a tram. We saw 'Maya the Bee and the Honey Games.' The film was about an overenthusiastic bee called Maya. When she accidentally embarrasses the Empress of Buzztropolis, she is forced to unite with a team of misfit bugs and compete in the Honey Games for a chance to save her hive. The film had a great moral about friendship and team work. All of the children were fantastic and so well behaved. We all throughly enjoyed such a great trip.
In RWI, we have come to the end of the Speed Sound program. On Monday, for those who have a firm understanding of segmenting and blending will go to Ditties Group.
In Maths, we have been looking at counting out a certain number from a bigger group. We have been counting out the correct amount of tram tickets from a ticket machine.
It is really hard to remember when to stop. We have been trying to keep the number we need in our heads, whilst counting up to that amount.
Well done everyone.
A great week 3!
Miss Hill
Thank you everyone for another fantastic week. In RWI we have learnt z,x,ch,th and qu. We are getting very good at spotting the sounds in each word. We are trying our best to blend it back together and listening to what word that makes. We are very impressed everyone! Well done.
In Little Big Maths, we have introduced halving. These are really tricky 'Learn It's' but we are understanding what half means.
We have learnt lots about Diwali and made Diva Lamps. We used saltdough and baked it in the oven. We have decorated them using paint and glitter. Have a look at our beautiful display in the classroom.
Thank you for a fantastic Pudsey Bear Day. You were all brilliant and we have raised lots of money for a fantastic cause.
Well done everyone.
Miss Hill
Welcome back! What a great start to Let's Celebrate. Thank you for all of your hard work over the holidays. The Learning Logs are really amazing. We love that families are enjoying Tapestry and showing us what fabulous activities have been happening.
This week we have looked at lots of different types of celebrations already. This week has marked Bonfire Night, Diwali and 100 Years since WW1 ended. We have discussed different ways people will celebrate these events. We have designed our own firework displays in the Creative Area as well on the computer.
In RWI this week, we have learnt 4 new sounds j,v,y,w. We are so impressed with how well the children are doing with their segmenting and blending. Well Done Caterpillars.
In Maths, we have looked at different rockets and worked out which one is the tallest. We have had a competition to see who built the tallest rocket in 1 minute. The teams were then given 1 more minute to add to their towers even taller. We worked out how had won by measuring how many hands tall the rockets were.
A fantastic first week back.
Well done everyone.
Miss Hill