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Autumn Term 1 - The World and I

Week 8

What a fabulous week! We had such a lovely time in the forest. The Caterpillars are gorgeous and we are so proud of them and how much they have learnt over the last 8 weeks. 

We found lots of worms... (good job its was a Mrs Wallis day!) We talked about how we it rains, it sends vibrations into the ground and the worms think they will find food. We stomped on the ground and waited to for the worms to come up to the surface. We found so many! Put the on the table and watched them wriggle!! 

Worm Dance

Still image for this video

We even found a caterpillar underneath the table. We very carefully rescued him and gently held him. It was so exciting! 

With Mrs English, the Caterpillars made mud cakes and a beautiful leaf rainbow. 

We made leaf crowns! They're beautiful. The children worked so hard to decorate their crown. 
We had the best time toasting marshmallows with Mr Butler. He taught us how to be safe around the fire and helped us have a go at toasting our marshmallows. They were delicious. Thank you Mr Butler, we love having you join us in the forest. The children went off afterwards and built their own campfire to copy Mr Butler. They used leaves and sticks to pretend to toast their own marshmallows. A fabulous morning.  
Thank you so much for your INCREDIBLY generous contribution to our harvest festival. So many lives will be affected my your generosity, so thank you. 

Talk for Writing

Still image for this video

Thank you everyone for such a lovely first half term at school. We love the way the children have settled. They are all ready for a restful half term, lots of sleep and some chill out time!

Have a lovely half term. 

Feel free to add any photos of your time on to Tapestry! 

See you next week!


Miss Hill  

Week 7

This week has been a busy one!  The Caterpillars have loved learning 4 new sounds (i,n,p and g). They are all trying really hard with writing the sound on our fantastic letter formation sheets designed by Mr Wallis. 

In maths, we have been looking at size. We have talked about different sized boxes and what we thought would fit inside. We had some great discussions are the chidren thought really deeply about what might fit! 

We had a fab first day in the forest. Thank you for all of your help supplying the children with the correct clothing. They were great at getting ready. We had lots of few funny moments along the way and a great time whilst we were there. We did a colour hunt and looked at all of the beautiful autumnal colours. 

Thank you for a great week.

Have a restful weekend. 


Miss Hill

Week 6

This week we have begun our Read Write Inc program. The Caterpillars have learnt 5 new sounds including; m,a,s,d,t. For some help with the pure sounds follow the link below nad click on the Set 1 sounds.

We have met Fred the Frog and have learnt he only speaks in sounds. He is going to help us read. 

Well done everyone for having a go with you reading books. Please continue to enjoy chatting about the pictures and don't worry about reading the words yet as we are just beginning to learn the sounds. The children will be able to read some words as we pick up more sounds. 


In Maths, we have been looking at 5 frames and beginning counting how many we having filled and looking at how many spaces are left in the frame.

We said a very sad goodbye to a Caterpillar who we wish all the best as he head back to join family in Brunei. 


Have a lovely weekend everyone


Miss Hill

Week 5

Wow Caterpillars, can you believe we have been here for 5 weeks! You are getting so good at knowing what to do and are enjoying life at school.  Mrs Jinkinson came to watch Golden Book Assembly with us today and she was so impressed wit how well you were sat on the carpet and doing the right thing. We are vey proud of you. 


In maths this week, we have been doing lots of sorting. We have looked at different ways to sort autumn objects, shells and bears. We sorted them by shape, size, colour and texture. 

We have read a gorgeous book called 'The Family Book' by Todd Parr about our families and have had lots of fun doing our first entry into our Golden Books. We have all drawn a picture of our families. They are all beautiful.  

We had a fabulous time at our Class Wide Reward Party. We all decorated a biscuit with icing, sprinkles and chocolate drops and enjoyed munching them with out friends at the end of the afternoon. 


Well done Caterpillars. 

You're great! 


Miss Hill

Week 4 

The Caterpillars are really starting to find their feet and are embracing their days at school. The days are filled with fun and laughter and we are having a great time together. 

This week, we have welcomed two new Caterpillars into the class and everyone has done a great job at showing the the routines and rules of life in Caterpillars. It shows how well the children have settled that they can now show others how to do the right thing. 

In maths, we have been singing about how much fingers we have. We have also been doing lots of matching. We have matched colours, shapes and sized. The Caterpillars were very good at matching pairs of socks together. 

A really great week everyone. 

Thank you for everything. 

Don't forget to come in you P.E kit on Thursday next week! 

From Miss Hill 

Week 3

This week, we have played lots of circle time games. They have helped us settle in, get to know each other and feel safe at school. It has been fun to find silly things out about our new friends. 

In the afternoons, we have been talking about how we are all different and why this makes us special. We have talked about our families, our homes, our faces and our likes and dislikes. We have begun making a display of our beautiful faces by making them using paper plates. We looked in a mirror, chose a paint which matched our skin tone and painted our plates. Once they're dry, we can add the details! 

Week 2

This has been a very busy week in Caterpillars. We have loved our first few lunches, exploring the home corner and playing lots of name games in circle times on the carpet. Each day, we have discussed our school rules and how they are there to keep us safe and the children have done really well at remembering them. 


I have put some photographs of the Caterpillar classroom for you to chat at home about the different areas and ask your children what they have enjoyed doing in them so far. 

We can't wait to get to know you and your families more over the year and have lots of fun together. 


Miss Hill 

Week 1

Wow! What a lovely class they are. The Caterpillars have settled into their new class brilliantly. We have done lots of new exciting things. We explored our new classroom, got to know each other and had our first Friday Disco! We love our new class and are so exited for the year ahead!  
