Week 8
What a long term we have had, full to the brim with learning and fun. We'd like to say a big thank you to all our parents and carers for all their support so far, you are amazing! And what we can we say about our superstar Seashells, you are just fabulous. Every day you fill us with pride with your super learning zone behaviour, enthusiasm and positive attitudes.
Patterns in maths
This week we have been learning about patterns, particularly repeating patterns. Firstly, we looked at numicon patterns. We described them to work out what piece would come next. We started off by describing the colours then we spotted that we could also describe them in numbers.
The next day we did some action patterns with the song 'Clap your hands and wiggle your fingers'. We thought of lots of different actions to make into patterns including patting our knees and rubbing our tummies.
We are also going to look at patterns with blocks and match patterns or rhythms with musical instruments.
Where do you live?
In our topic lessons we have been learning where we live. We listened to a story about a little girl who described where she lived on a map. We learned about the city we live in - Sheffield, the county -South Yorkshire, and the country - England which is part of the United Kingdom. We looked on a giant world map and found the UK. We also spotted some other countries that some people had been to on holiday. Later this week we will learn to use google earth to find our school in Sheffield.
Lots of children in our class who come from Sheffield. We also have some children who were born in or their family members come from another country. We will find some of these countries using google earth including Turkey, Egypt, Lithuania. Jamaica and Somalia. Lots of children speak languages other than English in our class too. Every week we learn how to say hello in a different language. In our new classroom we will create a display with a big map and flags to celebrate how diverse our class is.
Voting for the student council
On Friday we took part in a vote for our student council infant rep. We watched videos from the candidates who are all in Y6. Then we had two visitors Mrs nosnikniJ and Mr Stnemelc, who came to check that the voting was done fairly, just like in the real election. We each had a counter and we placed it in the cup of the person we had chosen. The votes were then added up and recorded. After the holidays we will find out who won. The chosen people have a very important job on the council as they listen to our views about things and events in school and take them to the council to be discussed.
Week 7
Wow, week 7 already! This term is flying by so fast. We are filling our days with so much fun and learning and every week the Seashells are wowing us with their amazing work, behaviour and positive attitudes.
So much has been happening this week. Firstly, on Monday we enjoyed another fantastic PE lesson outside. This week we learned how to aim a coit at a target. We practised our throwing and catching skills first. Remember to always keep your eye on the coit!
Then we used a hula hoop as a target to throw our coits into. We used our arm to point where we wanted the coit to go and thought about how big a throw we needed. We finished our lesson with a game called on the beach where we used lots of different actions to act out being at the beach including jumping the waves.
Read Write Inc
We started learning our set 1 sounds last week. We met Fred Frog who helps us with our reading skills. Every day we say, read and write a new sound. Then we learn how to read the sounds in a word and blend them together to say the whole word. We practise our skills in different media including writing with paintbrushes in sand, whiteboard pens, pencils and chalk.
Forest School
Get ready for lots of fun ... It's forest school week in Seashells Class!
Well done everyone for remembering your warm clothes, coat and boots.
When we got to the forest we used our senses to explore what we could see, hear and smell around us. There were so many brilliant ideas including a smoky fire, birds singing and trees rustling. We met Mr Butler who not only looks after our school but also helps keep the forest tidy and safe for us. He had lit a fire ready for us to toast our marsh-mallows.
The Seashells were brilliant at following instructions. They carefully held the sticks, turned them and then blew on the marshmallows to cool them down before they ate them.
For our second activity, we worked in little teams to collect leaves and other objects in different colours. Each team had a leader with a colour hunt clipboard and a deputy with a basket. The Seashells searched all round the forest with big smiles on their faces even though it was raining. We took the baskets back into the classroom and then worked together to sort the objects into colours. Great listening and teamwork everyone!
More Forest School
For our last day in the forest we were very lucky to have amazing sunny weather. When we got to the forest we found a treasure box hidden under a bench. Our Golden Citizen opened it up to find a strange looking letter in the shape of a scroll and some pictures. It was a letter from Stinky Pete the pirate from our maths lessons. It said his parrot had stolen lots of his treasure and hidden it in the forest, he needed our help to find it, sort it and count it to check it was all there. He included a list of everything that was missing along with some pictures so we knew what to look for. We split into groups and each group was assigned a type of treasure to look for. Then off we went to search. The Seashells were brilliant at checking how many they had found and if they had any pieces missing. Once we'd searched everywhere, we gathered everyone together and counted the treasure. But oh no there was a problem!!!
We had one extra diamond and one missing blue gem! We decided that maybe Pete had made a mistake with his counting and we'd got it right. We wrote him a letter back to tell him what we'd found. We left it in the forest for him to find. Well done everyone! Great team work!
Week 6
Comparing groups
In our maths lessons this week we have been sorting groups and then comparing them using 5 frames. On Monday we looked at some Autumn objects that Miss Baron had collected at the weekend. We counted the objects into the frames. On Tuesday we looked at skittles. We decided how to sort them, first by colour and then by size. We compared each group and talked about them using language such as more, less, most and least.
We've also been continuing our sorting skills with Autumn leaves and shells.
Class wide reward party 2
We reached the top of our Seashell path again this week. The Seashells enjoyed lots of colouring whilst listening to some disney tunes. There were dragons, unicorns, superheroes, castles, dinosaurs and lots more. Then we had a break for some raisins.
Well done for all your hard work in reaching 40 class wide rewards everyone!
Week 5
This week we have been learning all about families. We listened to this book about different types of families. We talked about our own families and then we drew them in our Golden Writing books. These are very special books that follow us all the way through school so we can look back and see how much our writing has changed and improved.
By the end of the week everyone will have a chance to do their writing and I'll share some of them on here.
This week we had our first PE lesson outside in our yard. We talked about the rules first because it's a little different doing lessons outside than in our hall. We split into two groups to make sure we had lots of space to move around. The Seashells were amazing at listening to instructions and exploring different ways of moving. We started our lesson with a game of Mr Men to warm up. (I wonder which one was your favourite?)
After that we explored the space around us and thought about different ways to move including; jumping with two feet together, hopping, skipping, leaping, tip-toeing and of course running.
Then we used some coits or rings and practised balancing them on different parts of our bodies. After that we played a game called 4 corners where we had to move around the yard and then when the whistle blew, we had to run to one of 4 coloured cones. If our colour was called we were out. The children were very sporting. I even heard a 'Miss Baron can we do PE everyday!' Well done everyone. Remember every Monday we have PE so come ready in your PE kit. If it rains we will do yoga or dancing inside.
Golden Assembly 3
We love our Friday Assembly. The Seashells were once again fabulous at cheering for all of the award winners. Well done everyone!
Week 4
I know I am posting a little early this week but i just couldn't wait to share the amazing work that is going on in Seashells Class so far this week.
The children have been learning about matching in maths. So far they've matched numicon pieces, animal shapes and lids. We've talked about looking carefully at shape and size and also number of holes when we match numicon. Later we are going to match up pairs of socks just like Miss Hill did in lockdown (watch the video and have a go at home!)
The children have been doing super listening throughout the day but particularly during story time. They are super at answering questions about the stories we read together.
Also this week we have added features to our paper plate faces. We looked in mirrors again, this time we checked our eye colour and hair. The finished plates will look brilliant on our wall.
Class Wide Reward Party
I nearly forgot to mention our very first reward party which we had on Monday. Children earn class wide rewards for all sorts of things and when the class reaches 40 we celebrate with a party. Our first one involved playdough and a disco. The children were fantastic at making shapes with their individual dough. After we danced to Banana Banana Meatball and some other tunes. Fun times all round, we can't wait for our next party!
Week 3
This week we talked about ourselves. We read a book together called 'We are all different'.
We looked at all the pictures and repeated the text. The book talked about different hair colour, skin colour, families, pets, sports and lots of other things that make us all unique and different. We are going to make paper plate faces to represent everyone in our class.
We looked in mirrors to help us see our faces. Then we chose a paint to match our skin colour. Next week we are going to add features to our plate faces like hair and eyes using collage materials.
Counting in maths
We also started our maths lessons this week. We have a new song to help us learn how many fingers we have. It's called 10 little fingers. See if you can sing it together at home!
We've also been counting puppets. We've been remembering to say the numbers in order, to count one puppet at a time and to stop on the last number.
Golden Assembly 2
We had another super online Golden Assembly today. The Seashells cheered and clapped for all the winners. Well done everyone!
Our first two weeks
Wow! What a fantastic start to our school year. The Seashells staff have been blown away by how well the children have settled and how wonderfully polite and well-behaved they all are.
We've had a busy two weeks learning lots of our new routines such as handwashing, lining up, choosing our lunches, tidying up and learning the names of our classmates.
We've learnt a new song chant that we say everyday to say 'Hello' to everyone. and we've played lots of fun games to learn names including:
Swap shop where we swap places.
Bug in the rug -where we have to work out who is missing from the circle and must be hiding under the rug.
Pass the star - where we say our name and a fact about ourselves.
Roll the ball - where we say our name as we roll the ball to someone new.
We even made a giant spiders web by passing wool to a person in the circle who's name we had learned.
Every morning we find our name cards and write them. We've also written our names for our brand new faces display which is coming soon!
We love lunchtimes
Lunchtimes are definitely popular in Seashells Class, especially Fridays because fish finger wrap is on the menu! On the sunny September days we sometimes have our lunch outside under the shade just like a picnic.
Golden Assembly 1
On Friday we had our first Golden assembly via google meet. We spotted all the other Burnaby classes on the screen and gave them a wave. We gave a big cheer when it was our turn.
Our first award winners were....
Welcome Everybody!
We are so excited to introduce you to our Class Page. We will post regular updates here to share what we have been doing in class. This will include photographs and examples of work as well as links to websites. We hope you will enjoy looking at these pages together as a family and share in the children's achievements.