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Caterpillars at Home

Tapestry is a fabulous way to keep connected with Mrs Wallis, Mrs Nellist and I, but we all really miss being together. I hope you enjoy this thread of some Tapestry observations we have been sent. Make sure to upload them to your profiles and they might make their way onto the blog. If you have not activated your Tapestry account, please email and I can resend your activation link. We love you Caterpillars heart

Amazing writing!

One more stairs

Cornflour fun

Rainbow hunt at Damflask

Great writing!

Capacity exploring


Paddling pool capacity

Ben's amazing life cycle and caterpillars

Height order

3D Shapes

Cress head

A smiling Caterpillar!

Great maths!

Matching objects to their outlines

Zu viel Affe!

Goggles help with writing!

Nerf gun phonics

A semi-circle crab

Sam's semi-circle ladybird

Rivelin Rock Finding

Elliott's fabulous animals

Mrs English's soap experiment

Still image for this video

We love you Mrs Nellist

A unicorn in Miss Hill's house?

We love you Mrs Wallis... how did the unicorn get to your house?

Beautiful bunting

A pea and cocktail stick building

Going on a bear hunt!

Sam's beautiful number 17

A painted rainbow

Absolutely incredible bike riding!

Still image for this video