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Children's University

Walkley celebrates and recognises home learning in all guises and has strong links with the Children's University. It's an organisation which signposts children to exciting learning activities which take place outside the normal school day - it could be before school, during lunchtime, after school, during weekends or holidays etc. The activities are all voluntary, it is up to parents and children to choose what to do and when, and the learning always has a link to something that pupils could go on to do at a 'grown up' university. 

All of the Children's University learning activities are checked by the local Children's University staff to make sure that the learning provided is good enough. The places that offer CU approved learning activities are then given the title of Children's University Learning Destination and they will visibly display our black and gold Learning Destination poster. 

Make sure that you have your Children's University Passport To Learning with you and the Learning Destination will give you a stamp for the number of hours the activity counts for in the passport. The more activities that your child does, the more the hours add up! You may also be able to have an online version of the passport, known as the E-Passport, where you can upload pictures and comments for the activities that you have done and share them with other Children's University members, as well as find other activities on offer. As the E-Passport is a very new thing, you may have to be patient and wait for this in your area. 

We offer a variety of clubs for KS 1 and KS 2 pupils which run at lunchtimes and after school. Mr Bowmer is responsible for organising these activities which are run by Walkley staff and outside agencies 