Friday 19th June
After today we are moving blog pages to here:
You may have noticed our pages getting more and more sluggish with 13 weeks of work.
As of next week all of our work will be group over on our new weekly pages.
See you there!
Thursday 19th June 20202
What a rainy day it is today. I hope you manage to put your wellies on and splash in some puddles.
I'm very sorry I forgot to upload the money challenge. Please have a go and send me your results!
Wednesday 17th June 2020
As we begin to welcome children to our Walkley Bubbles, we will continue to update the blog with work, tasks, challenges and opportunites to learn. Please keep sending work in whilst you are learning from home.
If, like me, you don't have a printer at home then feel free to copy the sheet.
By the end of the lesson we need to be able to know all 8 of the different coins that we use in the UK
Wednesday 10th June 2020
Hello everyone. Today we finish off our place value adventures. Do you know what 1 more of any number is? Do you know what 1 less than any number is? Can you proove it?
Friday 4th June 2020
Happy Friday everyone. Today we have a CLIC check as well as a number writing challenge. Good luck!
1 - 100 Leaderboard
Amazing perseverance and determination. I'm super proud of you for having a go and making sure you got it finished. I'm one of the slowest adults today but I'm so glad that I finished my challenge. Well done everyone!
Monday 1st June
Welcome back to Summer Term 2! We hope you have had a lovely week.
This week's maths is recapping our previous learning on counting numbers to and from 100.
Friday 22nd May 2020
Happy Half Term everyone.
We won't be adding any work now until the 1st June! Hope everyone has a lovely week and has some socially distant opportunities to exercise.
We will put up pictures that you send to the blog when we get chance.
Stay safe!
Love the Year 1 Team
Monday 18th May
This week in maths we are learning about directions, starting with turns, don't get dizzy!
Friday 15th May 2020
(Sorry I put the wrong answer for one of the CLIC questions. Fixed it now. Well done everyone who got it right!)
Thursday 14th May
Wednesday 13th May
Quarter of amounts
Monday 11th May
To finish off our halving week I've put some easy, tricky, and really tricky questions on. These do not have to be printed out. Just spend a few minutes talking about them. I'll share the answers later in the week!
Friday 1st May 2020
Happy May Day everyone. We hope everyone is doing well.
Everyone has been so successful with the CLIC work. Nearly everyone is getting every question correct. Amazing.
We will be moving onto CLIC 6 soon and checking how well your learning with Mr Drew on a Thursday is going. Remember
Maths is easy!
Today we are doing a Big Maths Beat That challenge. There are 17 questions for you to answer in 60 minutes. We don't need to know the score. You know how well you did, did you beat last times? Some of them are a bit tricky but these are number facts that you need to know in Year 1. Hope you enjoy and good luck!
Wednesday 29th April
Sharing equally
Summer 1 Week 3
Monday 27th April 2020
See the link below for the questions on doubles!
Guided Reading
Do Not Open This Book!
Have a look at the video of the story. Try answering the questions together at home in the following attachment.
If you vote 'yes' I will carry on reading the story to find out!
Friday 24th April
Happy Friday everyone and Ramadan Mubarak to our Muslim families. We are thinking of you during your special time.
Here are the last 4 CLIC questions plus a bonus jigsaw number. Please have a look at the video where I explain how I would answer them and have a go yourself.
Also: what book have you been reading? I’d love to see all the stories you have been reading on your own or with your families!
Thursday 23rd April
As part of our Maths lessons at school, we have a quick starter called CLIC. Your children are used to doing a quick test once a week.
Big Maths is the website that we use to administer these tests. Due to the lockdown, they have very kindly started to make parent packs to help you continue this learning at home. I have put the CLIC 6 pack below this message. Not all children have reached CLIC 6, but it is where they should be by the summer term. Have a look and today I’d like you to work on question 1. There is an explanation and a worksheet to try.
Wednesday 22nd April
Good Morning Everyone. Hope everyone is ok!
I've put today's work on as a PDF file. Please don't print it out. Just a few problems for you to solve. I wonder who can do it?
I've done a little video explaning how I would do it. Would you do it differently???
I've also added your jokes from Wednesday. Thank you to everyone who did the CLIC work. Everyone got every question correct. You are amazing!
Multiplication and Division - making arrays.
Watch the film about arrays from BBC Bitesize and then watch Mr Drew's film which will show you what to do today.
Monday 20th April
Good morning Year 1! Welcome to week 2 of Summer term. We are continuing to learn about multiplication and division by grouping objects equally. Today we are adding the equal groups. See if you can have a go talking through the following questions with a grown up. Can you make the groups at home to help you?
Friday 17th April
Happy Friday everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. Today we have our Friday CLIC (no learn its and no guitars this week ) Please have a go at answering the questions on our google form.
Also, if you have a joke for us to share please add it to the bottom of the form in a Video, Audio, or maybe even a picture of the joke, written in your best handwriting.
1PM Update
I've had 12 jokes already. Amazing. I'll compile them into a film and publish it on Wednesday. Keep sending them in!
We really enjoy working with computers, laptops, tablets and other devices in Year 1. In school we algorithms to instruct computers to do what we want. I've attached a link to a scheme of work for Year 1 Children. It looks like this
All of our Year 1 children have gone through most of this course and maybe they can show their adults how to code! The children are used to using a mouse at school, and they might find laptop trackpads difficult. This course should also work on phones and tablets
Screen time can be difficult, and we like to use a timer to make sure we know when we have had enough. Stay safe and smart when using a computer and remember to ask an adult if something goes wrong. Enjoy your coding Year 1s!
Multiplication and Division
These are reasoning and problem solving questions. They are designed for the children to do with an adult. You don’t need to write down the answers, just talk about them. Sometimes the act of discussing Maths creates the understanding without needing to record it. You may need to use objects from around the house to help you. You might want to draw Numicon to help you. The questions are differentiated.
Wednesday 15th April
Maths Multiplication and division-equal groups
Science update!
Welcome back Year 1! I hope you all had a lovely two weeks with your family.
As you can see below, the carrots have all changed a lot since the start. Can you guess which ones had light and water? Why do you think the ones that have grown look quite different?
If you have planted something or tried your own carrot experiment, what do yours look like now? You can add a drawing, writing or photo in the google form below. I would love to see your ideas and your growing experiments at home!
Happy Easter Holidays!
We’ve really enjoyed interacting with you via the blog. Hopefully you’ve found it fun too.
Thanks for all of your supportive messages. We all really do miss you. Look after each other and stay safe. We will see you back here after Easter.
Team Year 1
Creative Curriculum
So you remember when we used pastels to colour to show what fire looks like. Well today I’d like you to have a go at this again but this time using a flame shape. 🔥
Virtual Big Maths Beat That
We all love our BMBT and like to see how fast we are. I've cobbled together a way for you to do your BMBT at home!
Parent's you will be amazed at how fast the children can answer these questions.
P.S I know some are on harder and easier sheets. I decided to do this sheet as most people will answer most of the questions! Here is a copy of the sheet I used, but the video below show's how I made my own! Maybe you can even race your parents!
How much do germs hate soap?
Hi guys, Mrs English here.
I hope you're all keeping well and doing lots of fun things. I know things are a little different at the moment and I bet you're starting to get a little bit annoyed with people telling you to wash your hands all the time, but it really does work.
Here is a little video to show you how much germs really hate soap. You could try it at home too it's really easy. I am missing our science lessons so so much so I hope you like watching and I'll try and think of some more crazy science experiments for you to try out as well.
See you all soon!
Wednesday 25th March-science
Growing plants is our topic in science. We have done an experiment in school to compare growing cress in 4 different conditions. See the attached pdf sheet below to remember what happened and what we found!
Can you grow anything at your house? Can you record what happens? You could try to replicate our experiment at your home and see if you have the same results! If you don't have any seeds handy, maybe you could use seeds from fruit such as apples, or try growing the cut off tops (with the help of an adult!) of carrots on a plate of water-watch what happens!
Wednesday 25th March-Maths
Welcome to Capacity Day Three-comparing capacity using problem solving and reasoning.
We hope you have had fun playing with different containers in your home, talking and learning about capacity with your family. See the link for questions to test your capacity understanding this week!
Being stuck indoors all day can be trying at the best of times. When this is prolonged, we might need a little help. One of the things that makes the school day run smoothly is routine. Mr Wallis has kindly made a timetable you can use that might help. It even has links when it's open on your computer!
Tuesday 24th March
Wow! What a day yesterday was! Make sure you do Mr Drew's Monday lesson before you do my Tuesday lesson!
Mr Murphy answers your questions!
How many cups to fill 10 buckets ?
Ok so 5 cups for 1 bucket... 10 buckets must be... 50 full cups of water!!!
How many cups of coffee will it take to fill up Mr Murphy?
I don’t know my capacity! Today I had 2 cups of coffee and 2 teas. And I drank from a proper cup without a safety lid!
It took me 5 orange cups to fill up the jug, how many oranges cups would I need to fill 6 jugs?
Great measuring. 5 cups for 1 jug. So 6 jugs would be 30???
How many fishtanks to fill your bath ?
Great question. It depends on the size of the fish tank? I have no fish tanks and one small bath. My legs don’t fit in it.
So maybe 4 normal fish tanks?
"If it takes 50 logs to fill one box, then how many logs would it take to fill up 4608 boxes?
Hello Mr Murphy! Are you ok?"
I WAS ok until I tried to answer this question!!! I don’t know this one! Am I ok to use a calculator or ask Mr Gamage?
What capacity is our new school building?
Oooooh. I don’t know. I think we will be able to have 450 children in it at once but I don’t think it would be full of children, squashed in like a Baked Beans.
The worksheet that you can download below, has 3 pages. The top includes 'remember to' statements. Your child should be able to explain that these are the steps you need to complete to achieve the lesson objective. Then there is a 'Do me first'. This will be a quick revisit of the last lesson to check you still understand it.
The 3 pages are: Page 1 is the easiest. This should be achievable by everyone. Page 2 will have work that is at the expected level for year 1. This may be a challenge for an independent year 1 but with a little adult help, they should be able to achieve it. Page 3 has reasoning and problem solving questions. These will require another person to discuss the question with. Quite often you will need to try to work out exactly what the question is asking.