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Home Learning


Please read daily with your child and record this in their reading record. This should be a mixture of a; reading age-appropriate book or words/sounds provided from school. In addition, you could also share a picture book with your Child which encourages children to read for pleasure. We will change their school reading book once they have read it for a minimum of 3 times either at school or at home. This helps the children build up their fluency. Reading books and diaries should remain in book bags as these will be needed in school every day.



For Autumn 1 the children will learn the letters and sounds of the alphabet. We will send home a sound pack for each Child in their book bag. We will provide information on ‘Class Dojo’ each week to explain which sounds we are focusing on and how to make words using the letters.  Once the children have been set into groups, after October half term, their phonics home learning will be sent home in their book bags.


Creative Curriculum

In addition to reading, the children can complete weekly home learning which links to our topic. This is called the ‘Learning Log’ The home learning will be provided by school and submitted by parents via the online ‘Class Dojo’ platform. This enables children to share and celebrate their home learning with their class.  If you cannot access your account, please speak to a member of the Early Years Team. The home learning is aimed to be practical and engaging for the children and throughout the half term a range of subjects will be covered.
