At Walkley Primary School we have 4 aspects of home learning for children to showcase their learning at home.
1) Show off their reading to an adult every night
2) Expand their knowledge of the wider curriculum in their learning log
3) Complete a google quiz based on their current maths learning
4) Use Spelling Shed to learn 10 spellings ready for their weekly Friday test
All children are expected to read their school books every night. Reading should be recorded in their reading record.
The books sent home from school should be of a suitable level for children to read without making too many errors. Please use the reading record to notify us if you think the challenge is not right for your child.
Curriculum Home Learning
Children will bring home a home learning book with a task sheet stuck in. There are six weeks of activities written on the sheet so children and parents can see in advance what the upcoming tasks will be. All the tasks are related to the creative curriculum theme the children are learning in school and will be a range of creative tasks across the weeks. Each Friday, the weekly task will be explained to the children and the home learning book will then be sent home. Children can use the home learning book to complete their task in. We ask that home learning books are returned to school by the following Wednesday so that work can be marked and books sent back home for the next week’s tasks (handed out once again on a Friday). From time to time tasks may involve making models which can be brought in to school or some tasks may have an option to be completed online and submitted via google classrooms if this is the child’s chosen method of completion. We believe these tasks will give the children the chance to put their creative minds to work and expand on their knowledge and understanding of the themes covered in school. Opportunities will be given for children to showcase work produced in creative curriculum home learning during the weekly celebration assemblies.
Maths Home Learning
Maths home learning can be accessed through Google Classrooms. Every Friday, A google quiz will be posted on the classroom.
The google quiz can be completed on a device (phone, iPad, laptop) by the child either selecting an answer from a multiple choice selection or typing in a correct response. Children may need to carry out some calculations on paper in order to answer the questions but these do not need to be submitted. Once the quiz is submitted, the children will be provided with instant feedback as the quiz will be marked showing any corrections. Quizzes will consolidate learning from the daily maths sessions and also cover elements of number work. Children have until the following Wednesday to complete their maths quiz.
Children from Year 2 to Year 6 are also encouraged to log on to TT Rockstars to rehearse multiplication facts and a link will be provided through Google Classrooms.
Weekly Spellings
We have subscribed to Spelling Shed as a way of rehearsing weekly spellings for home learning. Each week your child will receive spellings to learn via the Spelling Shed programme based around the sounds and spelling rules that are being taught in school that week. Children will bring home a letter containing their personal login details. After opening up Spelling Shed , enter the login details. Children will then be able to press on ‘play’ and see the assigned spelling games. Once children have clicked on the assigned game, they can select a level to play at from ‘easy’ to ‘extreme’. The harder the level, the more points they can earn for each correct word.
Each weekly spelling task will involve the children completing at least three games. If they achieve this in the week, they will be rewarded with a tick on the spelling contract chart so as to continue on their own journey towards their spelling contract awards. Children can complete more that this is they wish. They will also be able to go back and practice spellings assigned on previous weeks as the term progresses in order to consolidate learned spellings.
The weekly spellings will also be revisited throughout the week in school and will be reviewed through a weekly spelling test on Friday.