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*** Want to show us your whizzy work? ***

Click here or e-mail to send us a photo and we'll share it on the blog!

To get our brains warmed up before each maths lesson, we complete the daily number challenge. In class, children usually complete this work on a whiteboard with the questions displayed on the board. I have created a printable worksheet for you to use at home or just have a go on paper. Simply choose a two-digit number and challenge your child to complete the mild, hot and spicy questions! 

White Rose Year 3 Home Learning 

The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group. They will be adding five more each week for the next few weeks which will cover the learning we would have been doing in Aslan class. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you how to help your child to complete the activity successfully. The first five lessons cover what we were learning in school last week and might be a useful starting point for children's learning at home.

Fantastic Fractions


Monday 23rd March

LO. To find a unit fraction of an amount practically

Remember to:

- Draw a bar model

- Divide your bar model into the correct number of parts (the denominator)

- Share the amount fairly

- Count how much is in one part 

Tuesday 24th March

LO. To find a non-unit fraction of an amount practically

Remember to:

- Draw a bar model

- Divide your bar model into the correct number of parts (the denominator)

- Share the amount fairly

- Count how much is in the number of parts you want (the numerator)

In this video we look at finding fractions of amounts for both unit and non-unit fractions. Watch the video and have a go at the questions!

My turn:

Your turn:

Have a go at these Smarties problems...

And just as you would in class, have a go at today's mild, hot and spicy challenges!
There is a printable version below if you would like to use it. 
Extra practise! 

Wednesday 25th March

LO. To find a fraction of a (larger!) amount 

Remember to:

- Draw a bar model

- Divide your bar model into the correct number of parts (the denominator) "Divide by the bottom!"

- Share the tens fairly (10s)

- Share the ones fairly (1s)

- Count how much is in the number of parts you want (the numerator) "Times by the top!"

Here's Amber recapping how we work out non-unit fractions of amounts using a bar model to help us. Watch this first to warm you brain up then we will look at finding a fraction of a larger number in my video.

Column Addition

Thursday 26th March

Good morning, Year 3. Today and tomorrow were are taking another look at the expanded column method for addition.

Don't forget how useful it is to Make It and Draw It too. Even if you're super confident, drawing the problem out to check your work is a really useful skill.

LO: To add two numbers using the expanded column method

Remember To:

- place the two numbers into place value columns.

- add the ones

- add the tens 

- add the hundreds 

- combine your hundreds, tens and ones to find the total.


Watch Mr Earl's video below to recap how add two numbers using the expanded column method.

Friday 27th March

LO: To add two numbers using the expanded column method

Remember To:

- place the two numbers into place value columns.

- add the ones

- add the tens 

- add the hundreds 

- combine your hundreds, tens and ones to find the total.

- exchange 1s/10 or 10s/100 where needed.


Watch Mr Earl's second video below and have a go at the questions.

Extra fraction questions can be found at where you can also find useful teaching videos.

Hi Aslans,


We're missing teaching you and it feels very strange not seeing your smiley faces every day. I'm sure some of you are feeling the same but try to keep yourselves busy and occupied with exciting activities. You could try keeping a diary of everything you've been up to so you can share it with your classmates when we're back in school. I have been amazed by the fantastic artwork you have been sending in which can now be seen on our online art gallery!  


Just a reminder, today was the last day of the Spring 2 half-term so the daily lessons will pause over the Easter period. We'll be back with more daily Maths for you on Tuesday 14th April. Until then, keep practising what we've done so far and explore the other activities on the blog.


Keep smiling and we'll see you all soon! 


Miss Morecroft and Miss Wieczorek

Terrific Time


Tuesday 14th April

LO. To be able to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes

Remember to:

- Make each time using my clock

- Draw the hour hand showing which hour we have just moved past

- Draw the minute hand showing how many minutes past the hour or how many minutes until the next hour.

- Check that my clock shows the time it is supposed to!

Some examples of homemade clocks...
Today's Challenges...

For extra practise, you could use your homemade clock to play a game of 'Stop the Clock'.

Start at 6 o'clock.

Take it in turns to roll a dice and move the minute hand forwards...

1 = 5 minutes                 2 = 10 minutes                     3 = 5 minutes

4 = 15 minutes               5 = 20 minutes                     6 = 10 minutes

The winner is the first person to get to 12 o'clock.


You could also play the telling the time game which we used in class.

Wednesday 15th April  

LO. To be able to solve problems involving duration

Remember to:

- record the information I know (start time, duration, finish time)

- decide which piece of information is missing and that I am going to work out.

- use my clock to count forwards or backwards in groups of 5 minutes*

- record the missing piece of information 


* You can of course jump forwards or backwards in larger jumps if you're feeling confident!

Today, we are going to have a look at what Miss Wieczorek has been getting up to and working out how long her activities lasted, what time they finished and what time they started. You can use the worksheet below to help you answer the questions in the video or just do your working on a piece of paper or in a book like I did.

1. Work through the problems in the video.

2. Try today's challenges (below)

3. Keep a diary of the activities you do today including what time they start, how long they last for and what time they finish. You can upload a photo of your homemade clock as well as telling us about your day by clicking here.

Number-bonds for Subtraction

Thursday 16th April 2020


Good morning, Year 3. Today, we are taking another look at using number bonds to help us with subtraction. We're going to be building up our subtraction skills over the next two weeks. This is a vital piece of the puzzle, so make sure that you are feeling confident with this step.

LO: To be able to subtract using Jigsaw Numbers.
Remember To: 
-make the units digit total 10.
-make the tens digit total 9 (90).

The problems are below. They do get harder as they go on, so choose where you want to start. Just make sure that you can find the missing piece to 100 by the end of today's practise time.

Two-jump Numberline for Subtraction

Friday 17th April


Good morning, Year 3. Today, we are taking another look at the two-jump Numberline for subtraction, focusing on finding the difference between two numbers below a hundred. We're going to be building this up over the next two weeks.

LO: To be able to subtract using the two-jump numberline.
Remember To: 
-show the difference on a number line.
-mark a sensible number in the middle (next 10).
-do the first jump (Number Bonds).
-do the second jump (take away the sensible number).
-add the two jumps to find the total difference 

Take a look at the problems below. If you're finding them tricky, then please ask an adult to help. Remember, you can always go back to yesterday's work to build up the confidence to tackle today's work.

Measuring Rainforest Wildlife


Monday 20th April  

LO. To convert between metres and centimetres to be able to add different units of length

Remember to:

- multiply by 100 to convert from m to cm
- divide by 100 to convert from cm to m
- convert (change) between metres and centimetres by partitioning
- only add quantities when they have the same unit (m or cm)

Tuesday 21st April  

LO. To be able to compare lengths in m and cm

Remember to:

- multiply by 100 to convert from m to cm
- divide by 100 to convert from cm to m
- convert (change) between metres and centimetres by partitioning
- use a bar model to represent the difference

- find the difference by counting on using a number line

Follow the link to find out how to use Google's 3D animals on a smartphone or tablet.

Get Creative! You could have a go at making an explorer's costume. There are some ideas below to help you.

Let's make a virtual rainforest full of wildlife. CLICK HERE to upload your photos.

LM, you can upload another photo if you want to and I will update the blog!

Two-jump Numberline for Subtraction


Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning, Year 3. Today, we are continuing to practise the two-jump Numberline for subtraction, focusing on finding the difference between a two-digit number and a three-digit number below 200. 

LO: To be able to subtract using the two-jump numberline.
Remember To: 
- show the difference on a number line.
- mark a sensible number inbetween (100).
- do the first jump using Jigsaw Numbers
- do the second jump using your place value knowledge (draw it if it helps)
- add the two jumps to find the total difference using column addition 

Take a look at the problems below. If you're finding them tricky, then please ask an adult to help. Remember, you can always go back to last week's work to build up the confidence to tackle today's work.

Thursday 23rd April


Good morning, Year 3. Today, we are continuing to practise the two-jump Numberline for subtraction, focusing on finding the difference between two three-digit numbers.


LO: To be able to subtract using the two-jump numberline.
Remember To: 
- show the difference on a number line.
- mark a sensible number in between (the next hundred).
- do the first jump using Jigsaw Numbers
- do the second jump using your place value knowledge (draw it if it helps)
- add the two jumps to find the total difference using column addition

Take a look at the problems below. If you're finding them tricky, then please ask an adult to help. Remember, you can always go back to yesterday's work to build up the confidence to tackle today's work.

Friday 24th April


Good morning, Year 3. Today, we'd like you to put your numberline subtraction skills into practice by solving some word problems in order to play a game!

The questions are presented with different levels of difficulty. Please choose your level carefully - ask one of your adults to help you if you aren't sure. You'll probably want an adult to help you set the game up anyway. Have fun!

LO: To be able to subtract using the two-jump numberline.
Remember To: 
-show the difference on a number line.
-mark a sensible number in the middle (either the next 10 or next 100).
-do the first jump using Jigsaw Numbers
-do the second jump using your place value knowledge
-add the two jumps to find the total difference

Super Statistics


Monday 27th April  

LO. To be able to collect data and present it as a scaled pictogram

Remember to:

- count how many of each animal are in the picture

- collect this information by tallying in groups of 5

- present the information as a pictogram

- use a key to show what each picture represents

You can also have fun making pictograms using your toys! Here are some examples using lego and different coloured toy cars. Leo, I wondered if you could make a pictogram using all your toy dinosaurs? 

Tuesday 28th April  

LO. To be able to interpret data presented as a scaled pictogram

Remember to:

- read the title - what does the information show?

- read the key - what does each picture mean?

- read each question carefully and underline the key information

- use the pictogram to answer the questions

Multiplication & Division


Wednesday 29th April


LO: To be able to multiply and divide by 10.
I can remember to:
 - multiply by 10 by:

  •  moving the digits one place value column to the left.
  •  filling in the 1s column with a zero.
  •  checking - "Have I made it 10x larger?"

 - divide by 10 by:

  •  moving the digits one place value column to the right.
  •  checking - "Have I made it 10x smaller?"

Good morning, Year 3. For the next two weeks, we will be using Wednesday and Thursdays to recap multiplication. To start with, we need to take a quick look at multiplying (and dividing) by 10.
Watch the lesson, then have a go at the problems below. They do get harder as they go on, so choose where you want to start. Remember, these problems show up on your CLIC tests (coming on Friday), so make sure that you practise both multiplication and division.


Thursday 30th April

LO: To be able to multiply using the grid method.
I can remember to:

- place the first number into the left-hand side of the grid.

- partition the second number into the top of the grid.

- multiply the 10s

- multiply the 1s

- combine the products to find the total


Good morning, Year 3. Today, taking another look at the grid method for multiplication. We're starting off with multiplying a single-digit number by a double-digit number between 12 and 20.


Watch the lesson, then have a go at the problems below. If you're finding them tricky, then please ask an adult to help. 

Friday 1st May

Click your CLIC!

CLIC 7        CLIC 8        CLIC 9         CLIC 10       CLIC 11      CLIC 12      CLIC 13

Spanish Shapes

Monday 4th May

LO. To be able to recognise and describe 2D shapes (in Spanish!)

Remember to:

- count the number of sides

- count the number of vertices (corners)

- just have a go! It doesn't matter if you say it wrong.

Tuesday 5th May

LO. To be able to recognise and describe 3D shapes 

Remember to:

- count the number of faces

- describe the shape of the different faces

- count the number of vertices (corners)

- count the number of edges

- have a go at saying the name in Spanish!


Have you seen our

Y3 Rainforest Literacy Project?

Click here

to have a go at some of

the creative writing activities.

Grid Method Multiplication


Wednesday 6th May

LO: To be able to multiply using the grid method.
I can remember to:

- place the first number into the left-hand side of the grid.

- partition the second number into the top of the grid.

- multiply the 10s

- multiply the 1s

- combine the products to find the total

Good morning, Year 3. Today, we are continuing our look at using the grid method for multiplication, focusing on multiplying a single-digit number by a double-digit number between 20 and 100.

Watch the lesson, then have a go at the problems below. If you're finding them tricky, then please ask an adult to help. Remember, you can always go back to last lesson's work to build up the confidence to tackle today's work.

Thursday 7th May

LO: To be able to multiply using the grid method.
I can remember to:

- place the first number into the left-hand side of the grid.

- partition the second number into the top of the grid.

- multiply the 10s

- multiply the 1s

- combine the products to find the total


Good morning, Year 3. Today, we are continuing our look at using the grid method for multiplication. As we are still focusing on multiplying a single-digit number by a double-digit number between 20 and 100, there's no video lesson. If you need a recap, then take another look at yesterday's lesson. 


Take a look at the problems below. If you're finding them tricky, then please ask an adult to help. Remember, you can always go back to yesterday's work to build up the confidence to tackle today's work.


You can choose which challenges to do. You should recognise the symbols from school. However, please do not attempt the final question on the reasoning PDF as it talks about exchanging which is something that we haven't covered yet.

** Aslans vs Charlies Timestable Rockstar Battle - Friday 8th May 10am-3pm **


Monday 11th May

LO. To be able to construct 3D shapes 

Remember to:

- count the number of faces

- describe the shape of the different faces

- predict which 3D shape the net will make when folded

- cut, score, fold and stick to check your answer

Tuesday 12th May

LO. To be able to construct 3D shapes (in a different way!)

Remember to:

- count the number of vertices (playdough)

- count the number of edges (straws)

- construct my shape using my equipment


Some more ideas for things you could use to build your shapes. Why didn't I think of using sweets?!

Click here to let us know if you're enjoying the videos and upload photos of the shapes you've been building. 

Do you want to try drawing your 3D shapes? Click here to watch a video showing you how you can do this.

 Fact Families


Wednesday 13th May 2020


LO: To be able to complete Fact Families.
I can remember to:
 - copy the multiplication fact.
 - write the switcher.
 - bring the product to the front, change the symbol and write the 2 switchers.
 - check that you've got four different facts.
Good morning, Year 3. We're still working on multiplication and division. This week, we're going to focus in on Fact Families.


I'm going to use coloured Post-It notes to help me to keep track of what I'm doing. If you don't have coloured paper, you could use coloured pens or colouring pencils.


There are four sheets attached below for you to practise with, but first, let's have a go at writing the Fact Family for: 2 x 4 = 8

Thursday 14th May 2020


LO: To be able to complete Fact Families.
I can remember to:

 - copy the multiplication fact.
 - write the Switcher.
 - bring the product to the front, change the symbol and write the 2 switchers.
 - check that you've got four different facts.
Good morning, Year 3. We're still working on multiplication and division. This week, we're going to focus in on Fact Families.


I'm going to use coloured Post-It notes to help me to keep track of what I'm doing. If you don't have coloured paper, you could use coloured pens or colouring pencils.


I'm also going to use my Base 10 manipulatives to make sure that I don't have random zeros flying around all over the place. You'll notice that the 40 stays as a 40 and the 2 stays as a 2.


There are four sheets attached below for you to practise with, but first, why don't you have a go at writing the Fact Family for 2 x 40 = ?? and then have a look at my working out below to see if you were right.

[CLIC Tests]


First of all: wow! We were so impressed with some of your scores from two weeks ago. Some people had clearly set themselves a challenge because we had several children who started with their cuurent CLIC level and then went on to give the next level a go! Well done.


If you've been following along with our maths lessons this week, then you will be ready to tackle those multiplication problems by using your Fact Families and Smile Multiplication.


Which level will you get up to this week?


Click on your CLIC!

CLIC 7        CLIC 8        CLIC 9         CLIC 10       CLIC 11      CLIC 12      CLIC 13

Monday 18th May

LO. To be able to measure the mass of an object

Remember to:

- look at the scale - what is each interval (space) worth?

- look at the units - are we measuring in grams (g) or kilograms (kg)?

- read and record the mass of the object by looking at where the arrow is pointing

Have a look at the picture of the rainbow cookie above. Does this remind you of anything? (Think back to something we made in Science using play dough!)


I will post the full recipe tomorrow with the instructions :) 

Tuesday 19th May

LO. To be able to compare the mass of different objects

Remember to:

- look at which object has a larger mass - this object is heavier

- look at which object has a smaller mass - this object is lighter

* Rainbow Cookie Challenge *

Wow! What an amazing effort - these look much better than mine!

Division by sharing


Wednesday 20th May 2020


LO: To be able to divide by sharing into equal groups.
I can remember to:
 - count out the correct amount of objects.
 - share the objects out into equal groups.
 - count how many objects are in each group.
 - consider anything that you can't share equally as a remainder.
Good morning, Year 3. We're looking at division this week. We're going to be sharing out objects, so go and get some counters, equal bits of LEGO or even grains of rice and let's get dividing.

Thursday 21st May 2020


LO: To be able to divide by sharing into equal groups.
I can remember to:

 - make the starting number using Base 10 or PV counters.
 - share the tens equally by the divisor.
 - exchange the remaining tens for ones.
 - share the ones equally by the divisor.
 - combine the tens and ones to solve the problem.
 - consider anything that you can't share equally as a remainder.

Good morning, Year 3. We're still working on division. Today, we'll be dealing with exchanges. 

Friday 22nd May


It's that time of the week again! We have been so impressed with how many of you are challenging yourself to do your CLIC each week. Well done for working so hard at home! If you get all your questions correct, you could challenge yourself to have a go at the next level!


Click on your CLIC...

CLIC 7        CLIC 8        CLIC 9         CLIC 10       CLIC 11      CLIC 12      CLIC 13

** Aslans vs Charlies **

Half Term Timestable Rockstar Battle 

Battle commences: Monday 25th May 10am

Battle ends: Friday 29th May 3pm


Measuring Rainforest Wildlife Part 2


Monday 1st June

LO. To convert between kilograms and grams to be able to add different units of mass

Remember to:

- multiply by 1000 to convert from kg to g
- divide by 1000 to convert from g to kg
- convert (change) between kilograms and grams by partitioning
- only add quantities when they have the same unit (kg or g)

If you want to try these virtual animals at home, follow the link to find out how to use Google's 3D animals on a smartphone or tablet. You can upload a photo by clicking here.

Tuesday 2nd June

LO. To be able to compare the mass of different objects

Remember to:

- multiply by 1000 to convert from kg to g
- divide by 1000 to convert from g to kg
- only subtract quantities when they have the same unit (kg or g)

[RECAP] Division using a numberline


Wednesday 3rd June 2020


LO: To be able to use a numberline to divide.
I can remember to:

 - put zero at the left of the number line and the big number at the end.
 - count up from zero in multiples of the divisor (number you're dividing by).
 - count your 'multiple jumps'.
Good morning, Year 3. We're still working on multiplication and division. A couple of weeks ago, we looked at Fact Families. We're going to use Fact Familes to help us to divide using a numberline.

Thursday 4th June 2020


LO: To be able to use a numberline to divide.
I can remember to:
 - put zero at the left of the number line and the big number at the end.
 - count up from zero in multiples of the divisor (number you're dividing by).
 - count your 'multiple jumps'.
 - consider anything that you can't share equally as a remainder.
Good morning, Year 3. We're still working on multiplication and division. Today, we're going to continue on from our work yesterday to introduce remainders. After you've practised becoming fluent in using the numberline, use all of your knowledge of division to solve the reasoning problems.

Friday 5th June 2020


It's that time of the week again! We have been so impressed with how many of you are challenging yourself to do your CLIC each week. Well done for working so hard at home! If you get all your questions correct, you could challenge yourself to have a go at the next level!


Click on your CLIC...

CLIC 7        CLIC 8        CLIC 9         CLIC 10       CLIC 11      CLIC 12      CLIC 13

Puzzling Perimeter


Monday 8th June

LO. To be able to measure the perimeter of 2D shapes

Remember to:

- measure the length of each side accurately using a ruler

- add the lengths together to find the total distance

- multiply the length by the number of sides when all the sides are equal

Tuesday 9th June

LO. To be able to calculate the perimeter and find missing lengths

Remember to:

- find the perimeter by using either repeated addition or multiplication

- use a bar model to show the information you know and the missing lengths 

- subtract known lengths from the perimeter to find missing lengths

- or divide the perimeter by the number of sides to find the length (when all the sides are the same length)

[RECAP] Multiples of 4


Wednesday 10th June

LO: To be able to apply fact family knowledge to real-life problems.

Remember To:

- determine whether multiplication or division is needed.

- recall the learnt fact.

- switch the numbers as needed.

- write the answer including the measure from the question.

- check your answer with manipulatives.


Good morning, Year 3.


This week's recap is nice and straight-forward. I think that you can probably do it without much input from me. It's a refresh of the four times tables.


I've attached a couple of things that might help you to count in multiples of 4 (and 40, 400), so it might be a good idea to start by counting up and down with those.


The first worksheet is a Fact Family practice. Then the final sheet is asking you to use your Fact Family skills to work out the answer from what you know of the 4x table.


- Mr Earl

Thursday 11th June

LO: To be able to apply fact family knowledge to real-life problems.

Remember To:

- determine whether multiplication or division is needed.

- recall the learnt fact.

- switch the numbers as needed.

- write the answer including the measure from the question.

- check your answer with manipulatives.


Good morning, Year 3.


We're finishing up our look at the 4x table today with some reasoning problems. Go through the PowerPoint with your grown-ups and then have a go at the questions.


Remember to use the counting resources from yesterday, if you need them.

Friday 12th June


It's time for your weekly BigMaths Challenge! We have been amazed by many of you are challenging yourself to do your CLIC each week. Keep up the fantastic work! If you get all your questions correct, challenge yourself to have a go at the next level.


Click on your CLIC!

CLIC 7        CLIC 8        CLIC 9         CLIC 10       CLIC 11      CLIC 12      CLIC 13

Have you seen our 

South American Textiles Project?

Head over to our Get Creative page

to find out more!

A Rainforest Riddle


Monday 15th June

LO. To be able to solve a rainforest riddle

Remember to:

- use objects to represent the different animals

- follow the rules set out in the riddle

- keep a tally of the number of minutes 

- try different combinations until you find a solution

Tuesday 16th June


Watch the video below to reveal the answer to the rainforest riddle....

* Super Challenge *

We would like you to create, direct and star in your own maths video!


Remember to:

- choose something we've learnt this year to teach

- use pictures or objects at home to show the maths you  are doing

- write down and practise what you are going to say

- SMILE for the camera

- (send us your video if you can!)


Take a look at Amber's videos over at Maths 4 Kids if you need some inspiration. 


You could use the movie storyboard below to help you plan out your ideas.


Amazing work! I love the use of cue cards - very professional. Thank you so much for sharing! :) 

[RECAP] Multiples of 8


LO: To be able to apply fact family knowledge to real-life problems.

Remember To:

- determine whether multiplication or division is needed.

- recall the learnt fact.

- switch the numbers as needed.

- write the answer including the measure from the question.

- check your answer with manipulatives.


Wednesday 17th June 2020


Good morning, Year 3.


This week's recap is once again nice and straight-forward. I think that you can probably do it without much input from me. It's a refresh of the eight times tables.


I've attached a couple of things that might help you to count in multiples of 8 (and 80, 800), so it might be a good idea to start by counting up and down with those.


The first worksheet is a Fact Family practice. The other sheets include a word search and some multiple wheels.

LO: To be able to apply fact family knowledge to real-life problems.

Remember To:

- determine whether multiplication or division is needed.

- recall the learnt fact.

- switch the numbers as needed.

- write the answer including the measure from the question.

- check your answer with manipulatives.


Thursday 18th June 2020


Good morning, Year 3.


We're finishing up our look at the 8x table today with some reasoning problems. Go through the PowerPoint with your grown-ups and then have a go at the questions.


Remember to use the counting resources from yesterday, if you need them.

Friday 19th June


It's time for your weekly BigMaths Challenge! We have been amazed by many of you are challenging yourself to do your CLIC each week. Keep up the fantastic work! If you get all your questions correct, challenge yourself to have a go at the next level.


Click on your CLIC!


*** Want to show us your whizzy work? ***

Click here or e-mail to send us a photo and we'll share it on the blog!

Monday 22nd June

Good morning Aslans!


From today, your maths and literacy home learning will be posted on the new LKS2 blog which will be updated by Miss Travis, Miss Kendall and Mr Rist over the coming weeks while Mr Earl and I are in school teaching. You can still access this page if there are activities you want to have a go at.


We still want to see all your super work (and your smiley faces!) so please do keep sending this in.


We miss you lots,


Miss Morecroft and Miss Wieczorek x
