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Anti-Bullying Week - Reach Out (in association with Kidscape)

This morning Mr Wallis introduced the Anti-Bullying theme 'Reach Out' linked to 'What Makes A Good Friend?'


In our assembly the pupils were introduced to 3 activities to be built upon by further class discussion. 


Activity 1.

Be kind to ourselves

Pupils use the drawing of a hand to capture something they are good at on each finger. Also, write something they would like to be better at on the thumb.


Activity 2.

The Gingerbread friend

What does friendship looks like. What words do you associate with a good friend? What happens if you fall out with others? How can you be a good friend? Write words and phrases around the Gingerbread friend that are associated with being a good friend.


Activity 3

The impact of words

Kindness costs nothing, Think about how kind words impact your feelings:


How does kindness make you feel?

How do kind words make us feel inside?

What emotions do we link to kindness?



How does kindness make us view the world and surroundings?

Does kindness alter the way we walk; our faces?


Children will repeat this activity but thinking about the impact of unkind words.


We will share our ideas and findings at the next assembly on Monday 21st November.
