Dear Walkley Parents / Carers,
We hope everyone is keeping well and looking forward to the Summer break. Monday is the last day for pupils in school this academic year. As a thank you and a memento from us here in school we will tonight send home your child’s class photo, taken on Friday last week. We do hope you enjoy it.
As Headteacher, speaking on behalf of Walkley staff, I thank you for your continued support throughout this year. It has been wonderful to see so many of you in school during the school year, most recently seeing your children perform, or to discuss your child’s progress with you at the Parent Consultation Meetings or at our Golden Assemblies. Thank you for your kind messages. The pupils are wonderful, they are Walkley’s special ingredient. They have worked so hard again this year. They are creative, imaginative, polite and friendly; a credit to you.
I would like to send my dearest thanks and congratulations to our departing Year 6s. What an exceptional group of children you are. You have done so well. All our younger pupils in school have seen in you just what can be achieved when you give your all. We all wish you the very best for your next adventure and will keep you in our hearts. You are welcome back in school anytime. Once a Walkley pupil, always a Walkley pupil!
The achievements of our children have been outstanding right through school this year and the pupils’ engagement with the curriculum we have developed at Walkley has been so amazing to see! Reading is so important and so for 96% of our pupils to achieve the Phonics Screening required standard, is a credit to the relationship between home and school in the development of such a crucial skill.
In Year 6, 92% of our pupils achieved at least the expected standard for Maths with 40% working at a greater depth. In reading 42% of our pupils also achieved greater depth. These are children enriched in a love of reading and secure in the knowledge and skills for maths.
We see our collective biggest achievements in our children as they get ready to leave Walkley; their readiness and hardiness for what life has around the corner for them and their manners, and ability to form relationships that will support them moving forward. We hope your love for learning stays with you and affords you the opportunity to follow your dreams.
Thank you to our teachers for their continuing dedication to the curriculum and to our wonderful teaching assistants for their care, nurturing kindness and for always giving more than we could or should ever think possible. Thank you to all our non-teaching staff who navigate the very busy nature of school life so admirably. The Walkley staff team have given so much to the school, the quality first teaching, opportunities for pupils’ personal development with Golden Citizenship and pupil wellbeing at the centre.
For our new parents, joining us in September, what a great school community you will be joining. We are delighted that our family continues to grow. In September we will fill all cohorts and reach our full capacity, the biggest numbers we have ever had at Walkley. These are exciting times and we will look forward to working with all of you over the years to come.
Drop off and pick up information for September
Gates will continue to open at 8.40am with registers taken at 8.50am. Children arriving after this time should report to the Main Office.
At the end of the school day, pupils on the ground floor (EYFS and KS1 classes) can be picked up from their classroom door from 3.10pm. Pupils on the first floor (KS2) will be brought to you at 3.15pm on the Front Yard. This will help us to ensure their safe release to parents.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club will open on Wednesday 4th September for Year 1 to Year 6 with EYFS pupils starting on Monday 16th September. Registers have now been created and families have been informed of their timetable. Altogether we had 126 responses to our survey. If it becomes necessary throughout the year to create a waiting list for this service we will always do our best to ensure as many families as possible can benefit from the free Breakfast Club.
Golden Award Assemblies
We are very excited to share children’s achievements with you once again in our Golden Assemblies.
Until then have a lovely summer and once again thank you for all your support, kind words and ‘push ups’.
Yours sincerely
Mr Wallis and the Walkley team