Over the last 2 weeks our Year 6s have been preparing their election speeches and recording their presentations for the School council election. This was conducted on Friday under the watchful eye of Mr St Nemelc from Sheffield City Council.
With 27 candidates, each with a speech between 1-2 minutes long, Walkley pupils had plenty to divulge before voting day.
On Friday, voting took place in Potter's classroom. The children were exemplary, following procedures for the voting process and casting their votes and posting their ballot papers into the post box.
Foundation stage & Year 1 classes vote for the Infant Class Representatives who will join the school council.
This morning in a whole school assembly, the children were informed of the new school council and the executive council (Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary), plus the announcement of the appointment of Sports Leaders and Infant Class Representatives.
Congratulations to our Executive Council
Chairperson: LR
Vice Chairperson: MM
Treasurer: SM
Secretary: WG
Infant Class Reps: LW, HM, OH, CH, GF, NB, IB
Sports Leaders: WH, BK, HP