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Parent Consultations 21st and 23rd October

The online booking system for our Parent Consultation Meetings opened on Monday 30th September at 5:00pm. Many thanks to all the parents that have confirmed their appointments already.


The upcoming Autumn Term Parents’ Evening is on Monday 21st October (15:30 to 18:30) and Wednesday 23rd October (15:30 to 19:00). All appointments will be with your child’s class teacher in school, providing an opportunity to see your child’s classroom and work books in school.


Separate appointments can be booked for the consultations where children live in two households.


We are using the school website online booking platform to populate timetables for the consultations. You have been sent an email, directly from the school website, with a link to access the appointment booking system. Click on the link within that email and choose your preferred time on either Monday or Wednesday.


The booking system will close at 3.30pm on Monday 21st October, parents who have not booked an appointment will be allocated a time on Wednesday 23rd October. We cannot guarantee that this will be convenient so please use the booking system to get your preferred time.


If you have any issues, please contact the school directly through stating Parents’ Evening Query in the subject line and we will endeavour to support you through the process.

We very much look forward to seeing you.
