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Well Done Year 6!

Dear Parents/Carers

I wanted to let you know how incredibly proud we are as a school of the endeavour and application of our Year 6 children during their Standard Assessment Tests (SATS) this week and indeed over their time in school leading up to this point. The tests can be a stressful time for pupils, parents and staff and the anxiety that can arise in the build up of the tests can detract from the true purpose of the tests which has always been a measure used to judge the quality of education in a school.


As you will know, at Walkley our pupils work in the ‘Learning Zone’ where they display the best characteristics of learning and respect the rights of others to the same. Our Year 6s are undoubtedly respectful of their peers’ rights and dedicated in their own work. Never more so than this week.


Congratulations to all,


Mr Wallis

