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Ready, Steady, Grow



We have been doing conceptual subitising of the number 6. Using tens frames and double sided counters, the children were able to arrange the counters in different ways and see whether they have made 6 or not 6 by subitising smaller groups and adding them together. E.g. 4 + 2 = 6 and 3 + 3 = 6. 


Learning our Number Bonds to 5

Number Bonds to 10


We have been making different ways to make 10 by adding two number together. To start with, we sang the song '10 fat sausages to work out how many sausages were burnt and how many sausages were not. Throughout the week, we made bonds to 10 using double sided counters, Numicon and Duplo bricks. 

Making 10

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Ordering numbers to 10 and playing track games

Measuring length and height


The Giant has visited with his huge footprints for the children to practice measuring. They were really interested in comparing their own shoe sizes and ordering them. Then they used the Giant's foot to find things that were shorter and longer than the Giants footprint. Next we compared different heights using cubes to measure. 

Jack and the Beanstalk


We have started this half term reading the traditional tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have enjoyed re-telling the story, planting their own bean pod seeds and writing their own versions of the story in Drawing Club. 

Planting Bean pod seeds

Drawing Club

Painting a large beanstalk

Design & Technology


This half term, we are doing a collaborative project to make a beanstalk for the Giant and Jack to climb up. The children have to work together to design, make and evaluate their beanstalks using a variety of materials. To begin the project the we used a variety of exisiting constructions kits to make a beanstalk. We found that having a strong base and larger materials worked well. 



Using construction kits to make a beanstalk

Next, we have been sorting objects to whether they are weak / strong, bendy / straight and had a discussion about which materials might be useful for different parts of the beanstalk. The children then worked in groups to design their beanstalks according to the most appropriate materials. 

Sorting junk modelling materials according to properties

Beanstalk Designs

Making our beanstalks

Evaluating our beanstalks


We have used a fan to simulate the wind to see whether our beanstalks would stand up, hold Jack and even the Giant! Some of the beanstalks fell over so the children modified them, making them heavier so they would withstand the gusts of wind!


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Understanding the World - All about Bees!


We have been learning about the life of honey bees. The children had great fun pretending to be bees collecting nectar (yellow water) using a pipette and taking it back to their hive. Next, we learnt how wildflowers are crucial for our environment as the bees love them and without the bees pollinating the flowers we wouldn't have any plants, vegetables or fruit! So, we decided to make our own 'bee bombs' using clay, compost and wildflower seeds to grow new flowers in our local area. The children have also voted for our class wide reward party to be bee related as we try honey toast!


Abi reads "When the Bees Buzzed Off!"

A lift the flap adventure that shows us just how important bees are to our world by Lula Bell and Stephen Bennett

Making Bee Bombs!

Nectar Relay Race

Throwing our 'Bee Bombs'

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Our Class Wide Reward - Making honey toast

Tadpoles have landed


We have been lucky enough to borrow some tadpoles from a local pond. The children have loved learning about the life cycle of frogs and have started to think about questions they would like to research to find out some more information on frogs and tadpoles. They even had a go at writing them down. 

Acting out the life cycle of a frog

Personal, social, emotional development


We have been using the NSPCC resources to talk about the PANTS rules using the Pantasaurus mascot. Use the link for tips and discussion points to use at home. 

Looking after teeth


We have been learning about how to take care of our teeth; brushing twice a day for 2 minutes, visiting the dentist and not eating too many sugary foods. The children knew lots already so thought about why we need to look after out teeth. The children really enjoyed drawing 'sugar bugs' on the laminated teeth and brushing them off in a circular motion with a toothbrush. They were also fascinated about the different types of teeth. 

Bikeability Training
