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Spring 1

Badminton Videos

We have been working hard on both our badminton skills and our computing skills! We have put together short teaching videos to cover some of the main skills needed in badminton. We filmed ourselves and then used editing software to put together the clips to produce teaching videos. We hope you enjoy learning from our videos! Here are a selection for you to watch.

Badminton shots (11 Feb 2022 at 14_43) (1).MOV

Still image for this video

Badminton shots (11 Feb 2022 at 14_59) (1).MOV

Still image for this video

The Kensukes have been learning all about spreadsheets this week! We have learnt how to enter data into cells within a spreadsheets and how to insert a formula to calculate in Google Sheets. We are sure these skills we are learning will help us in our future careers!

The Kensukes have had great fun brushing up our knowledge of different word classes! We worked in a team to sort out word cards into nouns, verbs, adverbs, determiners, adjectives and prepositions. Well done Kensukes for working so well in a team to complete the activity!

We just had to celebrate the fantastic art work from WM in Kensukes. She has been steadily nurturing her talent at home and we have all been blown away by the results! Well done WM and thank you for sharing them with us.

The Year 6s have been writing leaflets containing information about how to stay safe in the Blitz. After drafting these out in our literacy books, we presented them as a leaflet taking care to ensure the presentation was of publication standard. Well done Kensukes, you produced work of a very high quality both in terms of content and design.

Year 6 have started their new Science Topic learning about organs and systems in the human body. We started our topic by assessing our own knowledge by taking part in a whole-class quiz. We then matched names of organs to their functions and used this to create a large-scale diagram of the major organs in the human body.

Art & DT project: Anderson Shelters Linking to our topic on WW2, Year 6 have been learning about how Anderson Shelters were built and the features it had in order to make it a very strong and stable structure. After researching Anderson Shelters, we designed our own model of one. We thought carefully about what equipment and tools we would need to make it and how we would achieve the ‘arch’ shape of the shelters. We think our finished models look fabulous!
