Castleton Residential
Our residential visit to Castleton was a brilliant success! It was an action packed few days with so much to do and take in. We are so proud of all the children and how well they took everything on board and made the most of the experience. They were enthusiastic and engaged with all the activities and supported each other throughout.
We began the first day by explored the grounds around the Youth Hostel before re-enacting a Roman battle using replica shields and soft balls as ammunition. After this we worked in groups to order the major events of British History, dressing up in costumes and amour to re-enact the invasion of Britain. In the evening we got some very sticky fingers making dough for bread. Glorious smells filled our common room when the children tucked into their creations while it was still warm.
The following day our guide Tim took us on a fascinating walk through the fields and around the hills of Castleton. He taught us about the different rocks beneath the landscape. Our walk took us to Treak Cliff Cavern where a tour guide led us on a journey into the cave to explore the fascinating cavern walls and observe the infamous Blue John stone. When we arrived back at the hostel we had lots of fun panning for gems and making candles.
On our final day we learnt how to use a flint and steel to make a fire and attempted to make a shelter. The wind and hail got the better of us though and we ended up going back indoors to design shelters and complete a group quiz.
Below is a slide show of some of the wonderful memories.
The Fab Four in School
We are so proud of the pupils that remained in school while the others were on the residential. They spent some time with Miss Morecroft and she was extremely impressed with how well they helped the Y3s. They were given the important job of taking the register each afternoon.
They got very creative with Miss Green and each made a fabulous 3D Lama Pinata. Science time with Mrs Goff was so much fun as they got to do an experiment with acids and alkalines. It was a success to make an explosion! With Miss Adams they carved Anglo Saxon runes into clay and produced some impressive sculptures.
Roman Columns
We looked at different Roman architecture and noted that columns were commonly used as decoration. We looked carefully at images of the different types of columns and used sketching techniques to draw our own versions of them. We also built up different shades of grey pastel on black paper for a different effect.
Today, we were visited by a figure out of time - an Angle named Walca. He told us how following his older brother Hereward’s advice, he left his failing farm and uprooted his family from Anglia and set sail for Britain. Along with many other Angle families, Walca, his wife (Mildgyth) and their two children made the long journey across the North Sea.
Upon reaching Britain, they entered a great river and travelled up-stream trying desperately to find a suitable place to make a new home. Twice, they had to pull the boats up onto the shore and carry them to avoid rocks. Finally, they came to the confluence of two rivers and Walca announced that they had come far enough inland and it was time to make camp.
The children (acting as Angle scouts) needed to investigate the landscape to decide upon the best place to form a settlement.
Once the location for the settlement had been chosen, the children (acting as villagers) then had a range of problems to solve for Walca, including finding the materials for clothing, building houses, helping the other villagers pray to their gods, deciphering cryptic messages, speaking in Old English and even thinking of a suitable name for the settlement.
Our Science topic this half-term is Electricity. After an introduction last week, we've got our hands on some electrical equipment today in order to better understand what a circuit is and what is needed to make a complete circuit.
As part of our new curriculum theme, The Anglo-Saxon Migration, we have looked at the evidence that surrounds the historical figure of Vortigern. According to certain sources, Vortigern was a British king in the post-Roman period who invited a pair of Jutish brothers and their warband to Britain to help stave off attacks from the Picts, Scots and Irish Gaels, as well as raids from Germanic tribes from Northern Europe. This is considered by some to be the event that started a mass migration (or invasion?) from Angles, Saxons and Jutes to the British Isles.
Today, children considered the reliability of historical sources on the basis of whether or not they were primary or secondary sources, as well as the age and purpose of the source.