Our science topic this half term is Properties and their changes of materials. In our first lesson we investigated what material would be best for a new food surface in school. After discussing our aim, method and making a prediction we learnt that that to make our experiment fair we must have different variables (independent, dependent and controlled). We then carried out our experiment and came to a conclusion.
Week 3
Here are our Y5 Hiccups exploring how to separate materials. They were tasked with separating paper clips and rice, salt and water, sand and water and finally flour and raisons.
Week 4
For our Science this week we’ve been looking at reversible and irreversible changes of materials. One change we looked at was the combination of vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. Do you think we would be able to reverse the chemical reaction of these materials? Would we be able to change the carbon dioxide gas back to where it came from?
As we've started a new theme 'Industrial Sheffield: A Steel City' we've been looking at Sheffield's industrial past and the impact this had on the people within the city. We’ve been reading ‘Meet me by the Steelmen’ by Theresa Tomlinson in Guided Reading which we’ve continued in Literacy. The narrative is read from the perspective of a young girl named Jenny. She goes to Meadowhall with her brother Stevie who is convinced the steelmen in the shopping centre speak and move. We’ve spent a lot of time inferring how characters would have felt and reasons behind their actions. Here are some of our freeze frames from different parts in the story so far.
This week we’ve been putting ourselves in the main character Jenny’s shoes and writing a diary entry from her perspective. We’ve planned our ideas, written a diary, edited and created a final golden writing piece.
Over the past 4 weeks, we’ve used charanga to learn the song ‘Lean on Me’ by Bill Withers. We’ve been finding the pulse in the song and learning a verse at a time. Here is our final performance! We hope it makes you smile.
Forest School
We’ve had a fun few days in Forest School celebrating our Class Wide Reward party, playing team games, exploring and reading our current class book ‘Meet me by The Steelmen’.