Design and Technology
We've been extremely grateful this term to have support with our Y6 baking project from Gerry's Bakery. We began by completing a sensory analysis of different types of bread which were kindly donated by the Bakery. Following this, we had some skills lessons involving learning how to shape and make a dough. Our design brief was to design and make a baked bread product to share with a member of our family after school so we conducted some research to create a set of design criteria. With inspiration from the sketches in the Great British Bake-Off TV programme, we designed our bread and set out the steps we needed to follow. This week was our final bake which we then evaluated to see how well the product matched the criteria. We've been incredibly impressed with the way the children have got involved in the project and many have tried out their new skills at home. Hopefully this is going to be a skill for life!
Forest School
We put our measuring and calculation skills to use in forest schools this week. We worked in groups to measure the perimeter of the orchard area. Next week we will be using these measurements in our maths lesson to make a scale drawing of forest school.