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Spring 1

The term the year twos have been learning all about multiply and divide. A good bridge between the two is looking at multiply as an array. From this it is easier to see how we could turn a multiplication into a division number sentence.

Smartest Giants Stop Motion Film festival 2022/23

The Smartest Giants Learned how to use the app Stopmotion and made their own films to display their fab creativity. They even managed to record a soundtrack afterewards to give life to their movies.

Continuing our exploration of 'Wolf's story', we are planning to write a diary from the wolf's perspective. During this lesson, the children worked in groups to create a freeze frame of each significant part of the story. Firstly. the wolf spent his morning doing chores for Granny:

Next, the wolf met Red Riding Hood in the wood whilst searching for fresh herbs.

After that, the wolf went to Granny's house to help her get dressed.

Then Little Red Riding Hood asked lots of questions of the wolf whilst he pretended to be Granny.

Finally, a woodcutter burst in and chopped the wolf's tail off as he escaped.

In this term's fiction unit, children will explore an alternative version of the traditional tale, Little Red Riding Hood, as told by the wolf. They will make comparisons between this narrative and the original traditional tale, discussing adjectives to describe the wolf in both stories. Children will have the opportunity to develop their spoken language when justifying their opinions about the wolf based on his side of the story. In this lesson the children worked in groups writing questions to ask the wolf. The children used a hot seating technique so they could ask their questions to the wolf and then decide whether they believed his side of the story or not.

As a school, we are passionate about reading and fostering that love of literature in the pupils. Last term we visited the Sheffield Central Children's library so that we could demonstrate how much fun libraries are and what a great selection of books they have. What a discovery it was! Not ony did they have a fabulous collection of reading materials but they also had boards games and creative activities for the children. We also took lots of membership forms with us for the children to get their own library cards and borrow some stunning books! The children really enjoyed travelling on the tram into the city centre. We were incredibly proud of the children's behaviour which was remarked upon very favourably several times by members of the public.
