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Spring 1

Week 1

Welcome back everyone. Well done for braving the ice and coming to school! This term each child will be given a TT rockstar account. Remember the safest place for a password is in your head! Please show your adults this video to learn more about how to be a times tables rock star.

What is Times Tables Rock Stars? A Children's Guide

The Hodgehegs were very sensible in the baltic conditions but also had a good time!

History: People who have made a positive change

In History, we have started our new topic "People who have positively made a change". We will be learning about incredible people such as Emmeline Pankhurst, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and Malala Yousafzi. Here is a great BBC game where you can learn more about some of these impressive historical figures.

In Computing this term we will make branch data bases. In our first lesson we learnt that data is just another word for information and that a branch data base is a good way of organising and finding different things like animals, pokemon characters and clothes! Here are the hodgehegs using yes/no questions to correctly identify animals.

Week 2 

In History this week we looked at the incredible life and work of Emmeline Pankhurst. We then made a time line of her life and remembered key dates such as 1928 when both men and women were finally given equal voting rights in the UK.

In Forest School today we made 2D shapes out of sticks. Well done for making rectangles, triangles, pentagons, hexagons and octagons!

In Maths we are starting to learn about symmetry. Here is a super game to sharpen your knowledge and skills!

In Design and Technology, we finally made our car designs. The children did a great job alligning the axles to the chassis, securing the wheels and making adjustments when they tested how well their car moved.

In Forest school today we practised shape and symmetry. The children enjoyed the sunshine and showed excellent teamwork and respect!

In Computing, the children began to make branch data bases using the J2 data website. The children designed questions to split and identify different animals. Well done all! Next week we will choose our own items to build a branch data base around.

In forest school today we acted out our Red Ridinghood diaries. Great storytelling skills were on display!

One of our PE topics ths term is "Sending and Receiving" where we will learn how to pass and recieve balls with our hands, feet, bats, rackets and clubs. Today we looked at how to roll different sized balls accurately. We focused on our stance, bending down to the ground and letting go when our hand is pointing at the target.

Week 3

In PE we did gymnastics. Today we learnt and practised positions such as "the pike", "the dish" and "the tuck". Well done for using your balance and strength to hold positions for 5 seconds.
