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Spring 1

Year 1 Posties Spring 1 Music Big Bear Funk

The children sing and play glockenspiels.

In art this term, we have been learning about printing and rubbing. The children were choosing good trees to create a tree rubbing. The children were fabulous at helping each other.

As we have been learning about numbers up to 20, the year 1s used sticks and leaves to represent 10s and 1s and show numbers 10-20.

Our visit to St. Barts church last term involved a fantastic Q&A with the characters from the Nativity.

Year 1 Posties Spring 1 Sparkles - Singing

When learning this song, the children learned about finding and keeping a steady beat, singing simple rhythmic patterns using long and short notes and simple melodic patterns using high and low notes.

This week in Science we have been looking for signs of winter. The children enjoyed exploring the forest, finding signs such as leaves on the ground, bare trees, robins and warm clothing!

This term in PE, year 1 will be learning about sending and receiving. In this lesson, the children were learning to develop rolling and throwing a ball towards a target. To be successful the children need to bend down low, with their opposite foot to the arm you release with, stepping forward. Finish by pointing your fingers where you want the ball to go. The social skills are to support other people in the class. The emotional skills were to challenge themselves and the problem-solving thinking skills were to understand how to aim at a target that is further away.

Anna Hibiscus lives in Africa and is so happy she doesn't know what to do with all her happiness, so she sets off to ask her family. Follow her day as she talks to her grandparents, aunties, cousins, her uncle, father and finally her mother, who each offer her a way to express herself. We read the story and worked in groups to act out some freeze frames of the story.

Last term, the Posties made free-standing animal toys. Here are some lovely pics of the final session when they painted them and some pics of everyone's final piece. We have since evaluated them and worked out how we would have improved them. I'm sure you'll agree, the children did a great job!
