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Spring 1

In DT we made our brilliant boxes. We measured and drew nets, then scored, folded and stuck to create our 3D structures. We then decorated the boxes. They look fab!

Last week, the Aslans visited Walkley Library. We were shown around the library by a lovely volunteer librarian, who told us all about how the library worked. We got to see some incredible artwork and examples of crafts that people can get involved with at library events. The Aslans then enjoyed having time to the different sections of the children's library or share a book with a friend.

In DT we made 3D shapes using paper. We then tested 3D shapes to see how strong they were. Have a go trying the experiement at home!

How to Do the Paper Book Tower Experiment | Science Projects

Full Playlist: - - Like these Kid's Activities !!! Check out the official app Watch more How to Do Small Science Projects for Children videos: Do you like to engineer? If you know what an engineer does or don't, an engineer designs things like buildings and structures and cars and planes.

The Aslans got creative during their classwide reward afternoon, exploring modelling with air dry clay.

In English, the Aslans have been learning how to use direct speech in their writing. They practised speech punctuation as part of their sentence unscrambling task.

To round off our Light and Shadows science topic, we investigated how changing the distance between a light source and an object affects the size of the shadow generated.

As we ran out of time last term, we have been working really hard to finish our Frida Kahlo inspired portraits. We painted a moody background and then added detail to the foreground. You can find the finished portraits in the PDF attached underneath

The Aslans loved having a bit of time enjoying the snow up in our "calm forest" area.
