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Spring 1

- Week 1 -


 A day later than planned but...


And of course, a new year brings a new and exciting book...



All thirteen-year old Cameron wants is a life full of friends, swimming and family.


Most thirteen-year-olds don't also desperately need a new heart because theirs doesn't work properly.


One doctor offers hope. Cameron could - if his parents agree - take part in a radical and controversial procedure involving the transplant of a pig's heart into his human body. And it's never been done before...


While Cameron comes to terms with the idea, he finds the world around him is much, much less accepting. But surely everyone will understand that it's better to have a pig's heart that works than a human heart that doesn't - won't they...?

Today, we started our new PE unit focusing on Gymnastics. We used the wall bars and apparatus to think about different ways of travelling. We also worked on the mats perfecting our rolls.

- Week 2 -



The Kensukes have been researching on the internet about different biomes. We focused on the grassland biome linking to our work on America. Here are the information posters we created. 

- Week 3 -


 We have been preparing for our balanced argument on the topic of using animal organs for transplant by debating from different points of view. The Kensukes showed great passion when presenting their arguments!

- Week 4 -

In RE, we have been learning about rules around food in the Jewish religion. We sorted foods as to whether they were kosher or not kosher. 

- Week 5 -


 The Year 6s have had a fabulous afternoon thanks to Mrs Goff watching a dissection of a sheep heart! Mrs Goff showed the children the different chambers of the heart. The Kensuke children were really brave and really enjoyed the opportunity. Thanks Mrs Goff!

- Week 6 -


This week, it was finally time to set off on our residential adventure..... Edale 2025!



Problem Solving

Jacob's Ladder
