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Spring 1

This week , we have had our Forest School experience. Even though the weather was miserable, the children rose to the challenge of  using tin foil to create a river bed and banks. The tin foil had to allow the  water to flow from top to bottom without going over the sides. The children came up with lots of interesting ideas for solving this problem. Unfortunately, the weather was against us. However, we will not be put off and will endeavour to try again in the summer term.

We are making progress with this term's D&T project - making stuffed textile birds to decorate our classroom library area. We started by looking at a small stuffed toy to see how it was constructed, then we practiced and evaluated different stitches - running, running back and over. This included the arts of needle threading and knot tying...

We have also evaluated the suitability of different materials to use in making the birds - denim, chiffon, linen, crepe paper, clear plastic and felt.

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a lovely holiday. 

In Charlies, we have been playing lots of game to develop our Spanish speaking skills. Watch the video below for an example of one.

Spanish game

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