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Spring 1

In History we have been learning about the Tudors. The children had fun guessing the REAL Henry VIII although, much to their surprise then learnt that all the portraits were in fact of Henry himself! 

We learnt all about how he used his power to get different artists to portray him in a positive light. So, the big question is.. what does Henry VIII truly look like? 

In PE we have been developing our fitness skills. We started off with a series of stretches and then got out our skipping ropes! Our highest number of skips was 24! What's yours?

This week we have continued to read 'The Floodland' which is our guided reading text. Children have enjoyed making predictions and showing real empathy to the characters in the novel. This week we focused on hot seating where the class asked the character of 'Zoe' a series of questions. We also debated reasons for and against why Zoe should travel alone or with Dooby. 

The children were amazing and I loved the creativity of the questions, Well done SunKings! 


Dazzle dance with Amy is so much fun! Children have been very eager to form their own dance sequence. Our dance topic of Tudors relates to our History and English lessons too! I can’t wait to see your final performances. 

Our year 5’s got the amazing opportunity to be apart of a drama workshop. The focus of this session was on Aesop’s fables and exploring the moral lessons, particularly through the ‘Hare and the tortoise.’ 
The theatre piece was entitled The Great Forest Race, which was performed by 6 students from the University of Sheffield. The children played the part of supporters in the race holding up banners to support either the Hare or the Tortoise. After the performance, we also had the opportunity to ask questions to the actors and devise our own scenes from the play. 


Thank you so much to the University of Sheffield for allowing your amazing students to give us an afternoon of fun, drama, knowledge and excitement. The children all enjoyed taking part and the atmosphere was amazing.

After our golden write, the children’s stories were so good that they deserved to be heard by other children in the school too! We got the chance to go to Anansi class in year one and read to some of our younger children. It was lovely to see the Sun kings so proud of their stories and working really well alongside our year one’s. Our just so stories involved animals, but we had some Giraffes without a neck, Lions without a roar, Pumas with no pounce and Elephants without a trunk! you name it we had written about it! Well done to both Anansi class and Sun Kings! you made me really proud.

In RE our topic of Islam came to an end. Our last lesson focused on prayer, the reasons why people might choose to pray, and similarities and differences with other religions such as Christianity. Children had insightful questions and I loved hearing everyone’s opinions. For our task we had a group at a time designing our class prayer mat so everyone got the chance to leave their mark. Other tables had a variety of tasks to complete relating to prayer. The children really enjoyed doing this! 

What an amazing week we have had! After weeks of hard work I finally got to see the children’s Tudor dance performance and I loved every minute! We are so lucky to have Amy Dazzle Dance who gives us so much of her time and effort. They couldn’t do any of this without you so thank you!

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Still image for this video

Still image for this video