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Spring 1 Hola Mexico

Chinese-style DazzleDancing!

We have been very lucky this week to have Miss Burton from Dazzle Dance lead is in some Chinese-style dancing to celebrate the Chinese New Year. We were able to use ribbons, mirrored fans and even a giant dragon costume!

What did the Ancient Maya eat?

We have been learning about the significance of different types of Ancient Maya food.  Below are some recipes you may like to try out at home. There's also a link to a great website where you can do some further research.

In our final Forest School session, we began to investigate our new Science topic - 'Rocks' (and what they can tell us about the way the Earth was formed). We started by foraging for rocks - and we found some! There were some good old lumps of Sheffield Grit Stone, a small piece of flint or quartz and some river pebbles (all natural), along with bricks and concrete (both manufactured).


After that, we watched a 'volcano' 'erupt'! And it was most realistic...

In today's Forest School, and despite the wind's best efforts to scupper our plans, the Borrowers channelled our 'Inner Fridas' by placing foliage around a Frida Kahlo self portrait. First we created a frame of sticks around the portrait, then foraged around Forest School for 'greenery' (there wasn't much, but we persevered!) The children used leaves of various shapes, shades and sizes, moss and catkins to make Frida and her animal friends feel at home.

Today, we had the first of our Forest School days of 2022, and decided to have a go at some outdoors maths. We made our own biodegradable/eco-friendly Base 10, which we used to represent numbers and create equal groups (including one with a remainder!)

We have had the most amazing response to the new way of completing our homework!

The latest challenge was to create a representation of a Mayan structure, and the Borrowers certainly rose to that challenge...

We've had models made from wood, Lego and card. We've had mosaics. We've even had a model of a Pok-A-Tok court (pitch? field? stadium?) Models have been brought into school, photographs have been stuck into the red homework books and we've had work submitted through Google Classroom.

Below are attached some examples of the Borrowers' work... We are properly impressed - well done!
