The form worked!! Woohoo!
It’s so good to hear from you. I hope those isolating are doing ok. Make sure you keep washing those hands and looking after your parents.
What is your favourite book?
My favourite book to read is Stephen Seagull: Action Hero
What is 400 X 200,000?
Hmmm. Hard one. 4 lots of 2 are 8.
So maybe 80,000,000?
How are you feeling?
I’m sad I’m not in school and worried people are poorly but I’m happy the form worked!
What is your favourite lunch?
I love cheesy pasta. I have it every day at school. I never have at home though. What will I eat at home?
What are your favourite books?
My favourite book that I have is called “Northern Lights” by Phillip Pullman. I have a really special version of it at home. It’s in a box and everything.
It’s lovely to hear from you all. It’s made me super happy.
We will our daily challenges on the blog if we can. Don’t worry if you or your parents can’t do it all. Just do whatever you can.
We are going to now stop updating this section and all our learning will be in the home learning section!
Please spread the word about the blogs if you can and no guilt if you don’t get stuff done. We are just trying to help!
If parents have any big queries please could they email the office
Stay safe,
Mr Murphy
Emergency Services Museum
We had an amazing time at the Emergency Services Museum last week! Please click the link to see the video!
Special PE-Cricket!
We were very lucky to have All Stars cricket in to work with Anansi class this week. We loved having a go at batting, fielding and bowling!
Which did you enjoy best?
We have been busy weighing objects in maths this week.
Can you find objects in your house that are heavier/lighter/equal to your weight?
If you pick up two objects can you predict which is heavier/lighter/equal in weight?
What units of measurement do we weigh in?
Science-Sorting Animals
We have looked at sorting animals into groups depending on what they eat. We learned what carnivore, herbivore and omnivore meant, can you remember? What are you?
Next we worked in pairs to read information about animals and talk and decide which group they belonged to by using a venn diagram.
Follow the links for related games, videos and songs:
Ordering Numbers!
Welcome back to Spring 2 in Anansi class! We hope you had a lovely half term.
We have had a busy week so far in Year 1. We are ordering numbers in maths, we started by using objects to show the largest to smallest amount. Then we used pictorial representations of cubes to order different amounts, finally writing down digits in order to 100.
Can you get a pile of objects for each number to see which has the most and least?
2 19 11
Can you draw tens and ones for these numbers and order them?
3 42 13 24
Can you order these numbers?
9 29 92 31