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Spring 2

Things to do during the Easter break


Well done everyone for getting through the week and looking after each other. There will not be daily class blogs for a couple of weeks until we reach Summer term 1.


However, here are some splendid things you could do:


Scouts indoor activities with Bear Grylls:


A wonderful pirate geography game!


Art kids club:


Maths Factor:


Cbeebies radio stories:


20 fun things to do inside!:


Myleen Klass's Music lessons:


Harry Potter Cosmic Yoga!


Cooking with Jamie Oliver:




Fun games on Cbbc:

Friday 27.3.20!

Hello y2s! I hope you are having a good morning and are ready for my time activities. Today we will follow on from Miss Robinson's time lesson by revising o'clock, half past and quarters but also look at anytime within 5 minutes in digital form. Please have a look at the link below and sorry about the image but my ceiling lights had just all stopped working!

Now please play these 2 super time games:



After that, please plan your own timetable for the day using pictures and mark what time you will do these.

Please make a plan of your day and note when you will do different activities. Try to use AM and PM if you can!

During the next 2 weeks could you make your own maths manipulatives in preparation for next term? You could make numicon or dienes blocks from lego, cardboard, paper or anything else which can resemble tens and ones.

Maths - Thursday 26.3.20


Today and tomorrow we'll be revisiting telling the time. Have a look at this video to recap telling the time to o'clock, half past and quarter past/to.


Then you will need to make your own teaching clock! Have a look at this to see how I made mine:


If you have a patio and some chalk, you could also get outside and draw a clock onto your patio - have a look here for an example of this:


Finally, please use your clock to make the following times:


Level 1: 5 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 9 o'clock, 11 o'clock, half past 3, half past 2, half past 4, half past 7, quarter past 6, quarter past 12.


Level 2: All of the above PLUS - quarter past 5, quarter past 9, quarter to 1, quarter to 4, quarter to 9, quarter to 8, quarter to 12, quarter to 10.


Here is a fun spelling and punctuation activity to do either today or another time. Also it links quite well with our Japanese theme. Go for it Karate Cats!

Year 2 key spelling words for the rest of the year to practise and learn.

Wednesday 25.3.20

Hello Stormwhales and Gruffalos. Today Mr Malcolm is taking you shopping! Please have a look at this link.

Activity A price list (You many wish to move straight to Activity B if you feel confident) Lesson Objective: To add 2 tens together

Activity A: Step by step

Activity B prices Lesson Objective: To add any 2 digit numbers together

Activity B: Step by step

Now, please find lots of things in your own home, make a shop, price them and show off your excellent maths skills to your adult.

Maths - 24.3.20


Hello Y2s! We are carrying on with addition today. There are 3 levels and these get progressively harder so please choose which level you'd like to start with.

Level 1 doesn't use a written method - please put the biggest number in your head and count on with your fingers or use this hundred square (please see attached.)


For level 2 and 3 please use the written method (partitioning). I have filmed a video to remind you how to do this! Please show your parents so they can help you with it! Good luck!

If you'd like an extra challenge try this fun Easter mystery game!

Here are some links to help you keep active at home! - Joe Wick's PE - yoga - 'Go Noodle' - a personal favourite is the guacamole song!

23.3.20. Maths for today!: Hi lovely Walkley people. We hope you are helping your adults and looking after everybody. Here is the maths for Monday. We are adding up distances on a map! You may remember doing a similar activity a while ago so hopefully you will recognise what to do! Please have a look at the photos to try Activity 1 or 2. Finally, you can make your own map and distances to add! Best of luck from Miss Robinson

For those of you at home, here is the link for the learning log.


Also to keep up to date with school news and policies please go to this part of the blog:

The Y2s did a magnificent job paying homage to "The Great Wave" Japanese wood block print by the artist Hokusai. Please view these superb oil pastel pictures.

Here is a wonderful science website from New Zealand. Get researching Stormwhales!

We've had great fun celebrating World Book Day - take a look at these fantastic costumes and don't forget to spent your voucher!

We had a great time in forest school last week - here are some photos of the children's mini dens and litter picking. Shockingly we filled two bins bags!

This week the children have been learning to tell the time - o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. Here is a fun game they can play to consolidate these skills:

A small team of Y2s were excellent Walkley ambassadors at the Ponds Forge "Cricket All stars" festival. The children had a lot of fun catching, batting and bowling. Thank you very much to Sheffield Hallam University, Yorkshire cricket club and the Arches project for organising this brilliant event.

The Y2s did themselves and the school proud at the Kingswood 2 day residential. All the adults were so impressed with how well the children supported, comforted and worked with each other while building dens, tidying rooms, climbing walls, building rafts and guiding each other blind folded through a "nightline" obstacle course. Things were so action packed, that everyone had a great night's sleep and decided to do an extra activity of a 3 mile walk round a reservoir on the last day. The Kingswood activity leaders who were with us, commented that we were the most mature, active and politest Key stage 1 group they had ever had. Long live this new Walkley tradition!

While some Y2s were at Kingswood the rest of us had lots of fun at school - baking cakes, making obstacle courses and playing games in forest school.
