Wow! What a term! Caterpillars, we are all so proud of you and how much you have achieved over the last 6 weeks!
This week, we have been looking at patterns in maths. We have really enjoyed making patterns for our friends to continue or work out. We managed to stand in a circle with the pattern; boy, girl, boy, girl.
We are so impressed with how creative our Caterpillars are becoming. All sorts of things have been made this week including; Easter baskets, dance studios and many many drawings!
We have been very busy working on our Easter crafts and we can't wait for you to see them.
Have a fantastic holiday! See you all in the Summer term!!!!
Miss Hill
In Caterpillars this week, we have been busy learning about giraffes, number bonds, rolling in gymnastics and animals and their young... all in 5 days!
In maths, we have beginning to understand number bonds to 10. We used a ladybird and 10 spots, spitting them in different ways.
We played a giant game of snap. We found a pair when we could maths the animals to their babies.
Our Creataive Curriculum this week was leaning lots of facts about giraffes to help Chester Zoo. They sent us a letter to say they wanted to redesign their giraffe house and needed our help to research some facts to put on the walls. We learnt so many things. We drew a life size giraffe outside in chalk and lay on the ground next to it. We weren't even as tall as the legs (including the adults!)
Another great week!
Thank you everyone
Miss Hill
Another great week in Caterpillars. I am proud of every child in the class for welcoming new adults into our classroom this week, as well as being fantastic ambassadors for our Walkley School Rules.
This week, we have created some fantastic brainstorms with what we have learnt about meerkats so far. Have a look at this fantastic Golden Writing!
We have been comparing numbers in maths and have been making threading snakes using more or less than a given number. It was a great way to practise our fine motor skills whilst using our maths brains.
Red Nose Day was full of activities such as; arts and crafts, joke telling and obstacle courses. We had a great day raising money for such a fantastic charity.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Miss Hill
Thank you Caterpillars for another fantastic week. We have been busy looking at 9 and 10 in maths, whilst finding lots of ways to represent the numbers. We have made our own safari animal book. We drew around a number and drew the correct amount of safari animals. They are fantastic.
In topic, we have been looking at meerkats. We have learnt lots about what they get up to in their mobs. Ask us a fact and we have lots to tell you! We played 'I'm going on safari and I saw...'. This was a tricky memory game and we enjoyed trying to remember the whole list of everyone's animals.
For our science this week, we went on a Spring hunt. We explored the school grounds and found a few sightings of our new season. We now know where to look so will keep an eye on fresh buds and watch them bloom.
After being a flamingo, otter, crocodile and a turtle in our gymnastics P.E, we are ready for a weekend!
Well done everyone.
Miss Hill
Day 1
On Tuesday, we had a fantastic time exploring the forest. Our first job was forest maths. We all went to find between 1 and 5 sticks and bring them back. Our job was to add our group of stick to another friends group of stick and see how many we had altogether. We found lots of friends to this with and found everyone made different totals.
In the afternoon, we read Mr Wolf's Pancakes. With it being Shrove Tuesday... we couldn't not make pancake... even if they were mud flavour!
Day 2
After a lot of rain. We put on our wellies and headed on our safari hunt. In the forest, we found lots of safari animals hidden. Once we found them all, we brought them to the table and decided the best thing to do would be to put them with their identical pair to check we had got them all. We are still looking for the final chick!
After a lot of slips (including myself), we came back to school and dried off! Another great day!
Day 3
On Thursday, we went four final trip to the forest for this term. We had a great time reading 'A Skipping Rope Snake'. We thought about making our own snakes in the forest. We decorated sticks with chalk and talked about the patterns on poisonous snakes and designed our own. We tried our best to add sticky eyes, however, the sticks were rather damp from all of the rain. It was a learning curve for us all!
World Book Day -
We had a fabulous day celebrating all things books! Thank you for you fantastic efforts with your pyjamas and characters! We had lots of fun looking at the books you brought in for your characters. We had a visit from Mrs Waller, she came to read us all a story!
Have a great weekend!
Miss Hill
Welcome back! We hope you had a great week with your family. This week, we have started our next adventure... safari! We have spent this week looking at what a safari is, what you might need to pack and which animals we might see. We sorted our animals by looking at the pattern on their skin or their fur. We found stripy, spotty and plain animals. We looked at a map and saw how far away Africa was and noticed we would need to cross lots of water to get there. The photographs we looked at of Africa looked very sunny. We thought it would be hot and chatted about what we might need to take with us to this hot climate.
Our activity this week was to create our own safari animal. They are fantastic!
In maths, we have learnt about matching and identical pairs. We have found pairs in the classroom, matched our pairs with each others and read the story of Noah's Arc and talked about the animals going in 2 by 2. We played games of pairs and took it in turns to find matching pairs.
In P.E, we have started a gymnastics block. We moved around the hall in different ways and learnt 2 gymnastic shapes (pike and straddle). We hopped around like African frogs and included the gymnastic shapes into our travelling. Well done everyone!
Thanks for a great week Caterpillars!
Miss Hill