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Spring 2

Week 6

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week. You are all super stars and we are extremely proud of you!

This week we performed the piece that we have been learning, "Let your Spirit Fly". We used our voices and instruments to really make the song some to life!

Y3 Borrowers Music Spring 2 Let Your Spirit Fly

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2023-03-27.

In DT this week, we created Chocolate Celebration boxes. We thought about the design and then measured and drew nets. I wonder what they might put in them...

Week 5

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week. You are all super stars and we are extremely proud of you!

In geography we have been learning about the Amazon Rainforest. This week, we have been focusing on deforestation. We have learned about what it is, why deforestation happens, how it impacts the animals, rainforests and us and what we can do to help stop deforestation.  


We have been using the book ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ to help us understand more about it. The story follows a man who is chopping down the Great Kapok tree. Exhausted from his labours, he puts down his axe and rests. As he sleeps, the animals who live in the tree plead with him not to destroy their world. Our stop motions are based on this story. We hope you like them!

Y3 Borrowers Deforestation Stop Motion Animation

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2023-03-20.

In DT we have been looking at how to make 3D shapes using nets. We fist tried to stick 2D shapes together but we realised that without using tabs it was almost impossible! We then redesigned and drew nets using tabs with much higher rates of success!

Week 4

Friday brought the week to an end with Comic Relief's Red Nose Day...the Borrowers were a sea of red, and very generous as usual in bringing in donations to a great charity - well done!

Here are the Borrowers fully engaged in the 'not-at-all-competitive' inter-class cup stacking competition (look out for the 'tongue of concentration'!)

What an amazing time we had at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park! We saw so many animals and learned all about the rainfoest. We even had a go at handling some creepy crawlies. An absolutely brilliant day out!

Week 3

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week. You are all super stars and we are extremely proud of you!

We celebrated International Women’s Day by learning about this year’s theme #embraceequity and discussing what that meant; and how we can make our school and community a place that really embraces equity.

By looking at the Book, Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History, by Vashti Harrison, we learned about some bold women in history who worked tirelessly to make the world a fairer and more equal place. We then thought about the characteristics and personality traits that make us bold and able to stand up for what is right. We wrote letters to our future selves with the hopes and aspirations for a positive and equal future.

We are sorry to advise that the trip to the City Hall on Friday 10th March (tomorrow) has been postponed due to the adverse weather. This is a postponement of the trip only - please watch out for information about school opening!

The Halle Orchestra at the City Hall - STOP PRESS!

Here are the resources for the other song...Hans Zimmer's 'Earth'. It's a slightly more complex song than Life Is A Wonderful Thing, but we'll rise to the challenge!

We are all really looking forward to our trip to the City Hall on Friday 10th March. In preparation, we have been asked to rehearse two songs that we will be performing along with everyone else in the audience. The first is a really upbeat, lively, positive, happy song called 'Life Is A Wonderful Thing'. Below you will find a PDF with the lyrics and a link to a website so that you can hear and join in with it!

Details of the second song will be with you very this space...

Y3 Y5 Hans Zimmer Earth vocals tutorial

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2023-03-01.

Week 2

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week. You are all super stars and we are extremely proud of you!

This week in Geography we have been learning about the water cycle in the rainforest. We made these amazing 3D models to show the continual water cycle. 


Watch this video to learn more about the water cycle.

A World Book Day maths task...

In a preview of World Book Day, the Borrowers watched Hurvé Tullet read his book 'Press Here'. We then used his model to produce our own short 'books' where pressing, shaking, rubbing, etc. had a mathematical impact on the next page (e.g. doubling or adding).

Working in pairs, some Borrowers were brave enough to read their creations to the rest of the class. Here are some pictures of the performers, along with a link to Hurvé's performance.

Hervé Tullet Reads PRESS HERE !

In Science this week, we investigated roots. We managed to pull up some weeds from the school grounds, including their roots. This gave us the opportunity to see how effectively roots anchor plants to the ground, and that different plants have differently formed root systems. We brought the plants inside, investigated the roots using a magnifying glass and attempted to accurately draw what we could see. 

World Book Day in the Borrowers

An amazing array of characters from a huge variety of books attended the Borrowers class today! We even read a book with no words - there's a link to 'Journey' below.


Picture book journey by Aaron Becker

Week 1

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week. You are all super stars and we are extremely proud of you!

This week we have started learning our class song for the term, Let Your Spirit Fly. We will start to learn how to play tuned instruments along with the music and then compose our own later on but for now we sang in two parts and really let our voices shine!

Y3 Borrowers Music

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2023-02-20.

In computing we are looking at how data is organised and presented clearly. We created branching databases to sort rainforest animals. Have a go at home! Follow the link here

In Borrowers, we are lucky to have PGCE student teacher, Miss Wicks working with us this term. This morning she had the Borrowers acting as fire and water as they evaluated how the author of The Explorer brings words to life. Can you guess which element they are representing? 

Our DT project this term is to create a shell structure to hold an Easter Egg. We started by looking at how boxes are used for packaging and the features of 3D shapes. We then had great fun creating our own 3D shapes that might be an idea of the shell structure we want to make. 
