What a day! Miss Hill lost her ring... and before you could ask what to do, the Caterpillars were out looking everywhere! The sand was being sieved, boxes checked with magnifying glasses, WANTED posters being created and cards for Miss Hill to help her not be sad.
We searched and searched. When we were about to give up... LOIS THE SUPERSTAR found it on a boat in the water tray!!!!
Caterpillars, today is just a small example of how independent you are becoming. You are really thinking about solutions to problems and trialing out many different ways to get to the end result.
Spring Term has been a busy one! We have really enjoyed lots of fun things and have done LOADS. You are becoming such brilliant writers and producing some fantastic pieces of work both in directed tasks and independently.
Thank you Caterpillars for your commitment and perseverance to your learning. You constantly impress us with your ideas!
Have a lovely holiday.. and get yourselves ready for the last 13 weeks as Caterpillars. Year 1 is coming round fast!
Thank you all.
Miss Hill
What an incredible day we had at Yorkshire Wildlife Park! We are so proud of everyone for their fantastic inquisitive attitude and their amazing behaviour!
We started the day on the coach! A very exciting new experience for most. As soon as we arrived, the Caterpillars rushed to the outdoor classroom, eager to find out more in the 'Aren't Animals Amazing' classroom session. We had a fabulous hands on session with Jade. She taught us all about different animals including; polar bears, ostriches and lions. We got to hold cockroaches and giant African snails. We stroked Monty Python the snake, whilst looking carefully at his beautiful scales.
When our session was over, it was only right to go and see Project Polar! The polar bears were out and very active. It was amazing to see them in real life. The Caterpillars know so many facts about them and it all became relevant actually seeing them in real life... in SHEFFIELD!!!
Next.. it was finally time for the highly anticipated lunch! We joined the Seashells and had our picnics. By this point, the most frequently asked question was "is it lunch time yet?" It was great to catch up with the Seashells and find out which animals they had seen so far.
After lunch, Caterpillars headed out on their animal exploration. We saw a leopard, giraffes, zebras, a tiger, a rhino, meerkats, wallabies and lots more. We were starting to get tired legs at this point, so it was time to head back for the coach.
There were some very tired Caterpillars at this point, who enjoyed a nap on the way home.
An amazing day and one that will never be forgotten! Thank you everyone for being amazing!
We are very proud of you all.
Miss Hill
This week we have had lots of fun looking at capacity. We really enjoyed filling up lots of different sized containers until they were overflowing. At that point we really knew they were full! We had just as much satisfaction pouring it all back out until it was empty. As we became confident using simple mathematical language, we talked about half full/empty and nearly full/empty. This was a big challenge to know which one to use... but we got there!
In the afternoons, we learnt some great facts about polar bears! We know they have black skin, hollow fur that is transparent and big webbed feet. We have written a brainstorm including all of the information we have discovered so far. We have been researching using Google, non-fiction books and National Geographic documentaries. We are really looking forward to seeing them at the Wildlife Park next week! Let's hope they are awake!
Red Nose Day was a lot of fun! Thank you everyone for you support of Comic Relief by purchasing a red nose... although some didn't last too long, the children understood that the money they bought it with was going to a good cause to help other children.
For our trip on Tuesday... please come in your uniform with lots of layers and a waterproof coat. Miss Baron and Miss Hill went on Sunday for a Previsit, and let's just say it wasn't warm! Sensible shoes are a must. Please don't wear wellies are they are not good for lots of walking.
Each child needs a rucksack to carry their lunch. Please arrive at school on time as we have a very quick turn to get on the coach. We need to be at the wildlife park on time as the Caterpillars have a the first slot booked at the Discovery Forest Classroom.
Please ask any questions about the trip on Monday. Prepare yourself for some very tired children on Tuesday evening!
Thanks for a great week
Miss Hill
I know I say this a lot, but this week has been another VERY busy one! As well as Read Write Inc, Maths, P.E, Computing and Creative Curriculum... we have managed to squeeze in Pancake Day, World Book Day AND NSPCC day!
We have flipped a lot of pancakes this week! We made the batter as a class and helped Miss Hill flip the pancakes. We talked about what ingredients are used for a pancake and why. We learnt about the tradition of Shrove Tuesday and how making pancakes helped clear the cupboards ready for Lent.
We enjoyed tasting the pancakes. Some of us tried lemon and sugar. A lot of the Caterpillars enjoyed their pankcakes, some were not so sure, but this didn't stop them getting stuck in to all of the pancake related activities around the classroom. We enjoyed Pancake Races, flipping playdough ones, drawing in flour, filling egg boxes with sand and of course... eating them!
World Book Day was fantastic! Thank you so much for all of your fantastic efforts! The costumes were fab and it was brilliant to see some of your favourite books1 We had lots
of acitivites around the classroom to help us explore some great books!
Can you believe that not one balloon from Miss Hill's costume popped?
For NSPCC Day, we mastered the Macarena! Although, the children did think it was called the Macaroni by the end of the day! We stopped what we were doing every hour when we heard the bell and danced! In the afternoon, we did lots of great activities!
Penalty Shoot Out- Mr Rist
Yoga- Miss Robinson
Obstacle Course - Mr Malcolm
Dancing- Mr Murphy
Basketball- Mr Selwood
Skipping- Miss Baron
Thank you so much for getting all of your sponsors. The money will make such a difference to this charity. There is a certificate for the class that brings back the most sponsor forms. It is not about how much is in each envelope, just the amount we get back! Please help us!!
A massive thank you for everything this week!
I think we are all ready for a lie down after this one!
See you on Monday
Miss Hill
Congratulations everyone for completing Chinese Week! What a week it has been! We have learnt so much about China and the traditions which happen at Chinese New Year.
We have discovered that this year, is the Year of the Pig. We have drawn pigs with pastels and experimented with shading and blending colours.
We had a great time learning about Chinese food! We learnt that in China, it is the right conditions to grow lots of rice. We tried some foods and enjoyed experiencing new flavours.
We tried 3 different sauces; plum, soy and sweet and sour. It was good to dip our prawn crackers in and listen to them fizz. We also tried egg fried rice and noodles.
We did Tia Chi! We talked about what it is and the practised some moves such as; holding the moon, pushing the waves, floating water and hugging the tree! We had to do it really slowly whilst remembering to think about deep breathing!