Bog Baby
This week we read the story 'The Bog Baby' and decided to design and make our very own Bog Babies. We had to think of some adjectives to describe the Bog Babies then we made them out of clay.
Bog Baby has gone missing!
After arriving at school, the children realised that Bog Baby had gone missing! We followed a sparkly, blue trail outside which led to our spring flowers and luckily we found him bathing in the squelchy mud! The children decided to make him a new habitat to keep him safe.
One more and one fewer
We have been using Numicon, our fingers and cubes to solve one more and one fewer questions. The children are really confident with numbers up to 5 and working on numbers up to 10 and beyond!
Signs of Spring
We have been looking around our school grounds to see if we can spot any signs of spring. The children spotted that the spring bulbs we planted back in the Autumn have started to grow. We also checked out our newly planted tree in school and found some little buds appearing. We will be back in a few weeks to see how it has changed. Back in the classroom, we painted some daffodils using forks to give the spiky effect of the petals.
Home Corner Role Play
The children have had great fun making pancakes this week in the role play. They wrote their own list of ingredients and menus for serving the pancakes to one another. They also had a go at reading the instructions to make their own pancakes.
Composing number 7
We used Numicon and multi-link cubes to find different ways to make the number 7. The children are getting really quick at subitising two parts to add together to make 7.
Minibeast habitats
We wanted to be like 'The King of Tiny Things' and help the minibeasts. So, we went up to Forest School to collect some sticks so we could make a minibeast habitat in the Reception yard. The children decided to put tyres, logs and sticks together so the minibeasts could hide underneath.
Minibeast Sculptures
The children have had a go at making minibeasts using pegs and a variety of materials. We used a minibeast fact file book to help us choose a minibeast and think about which colours and body parts we would need to re-create it in 3D form. We had to think about which materials would be best. For example, the wings had to be flexible and transparent.
Dinosaurs in Forest School!!!
We were shocked to watch a video of a dinosaur in our Forest School, so we decided to go on a dinosaur hunt to track it down. We found lots of clues on the way and marked them on our map of the school grounds. When we finally reached Forest School we found lots of dinosaur tracks, poo and fossils, just like the paleontologist Mary Anning that we have been learning about in class.
Next, we had a go at making our own fossils out of salt dough and hid them in Forest School to trick the Caterpillars Class. Because of course dinosaurs are extinct!
Repeating Patterns
We have been continuing and creating our own repeating patterns by; creating music with our bodies, using natural materials, cubes, Numicon and Duplo bricks. We quickly realised that you there are repeating patterns everywhere in the world around us. For example in fence panels, animal prints and carpet spots!
The Importance of Bees
The Chameleons have been learning all about what bees do and why they are so important. Thanks to one of our kind Grandparents, we were lucky enough to explore some real honeycomb. After reading some non-fiction bee books, we learnt about how the Queen Bee lays her eggs in the honeycomb's cells. Coincidentally, we found a Queen Bee who had just come out of hibernation in our outside classroom! Next, we took part in a 'Nectar relay race' which taught us how bees collect nectar from wild flowers and fly it over to their bee hives. We even did a bee dance on the way! We also learnt that bees pollinate flowers and help new plants grow, so we decided to throw 'Bee Bombs' in our school grounds to encourage wild flowers for the bees. Back in the classroom, we enjoyed directing 'Beebots' to the flowers and creating 3D bee sculptures by weaving black and white wool around cardboard structures.