Hello lovely Y2s! We now have a new area of the blog where you can access your learning broken down into specific subject areas. We hope this will make it easier for you to navigate the work we are putting up. We will continue to update the Maths and Guided Reading section daily but please do check the other areas too, as we will be adding to those also. Mrs Lucas will be putting up fun Science lessons every Wednesday so make sure you check out Science every Wednesday!
Here is the link to the new area:
Monday 27th of April 2020
Good morning lovely year 2s!! Today we have a Japanese theme to our learning. We will be making our own Japanese restaurant in maths and researching about this wonderful country in Guided Reading. Also we have a new interactive aspect to our blog with Google forms. Near the end of today's post there is a link to this lesson's questions. Please submit answers and photos!
Today's maths
Please watch the video above first so you can do the daily CLIC challenges. Also I have modelled how to add 2 and three digit numbers and how to convert pence to pounds using decimal form (124p = £1.24).
Below are 3 Japanese menus to choose from. Please add different drinks and meals together. You could get members of your family to pretend to order too!
If you are in the Whales or the Mice please do Menu A (Green)
If you are in Owls, Stickmen or Snakes please do Menu B (Blue)
If you are in the Foxes or Noi's please do Menu C (Pink)
Here is the link for Karate cats maths. Enjoy!
Karate cats https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjkphbk/articles/zf4sscw
Monday Maths Google Form. Please click on the link to answer these questions!
Here are the guided reading texts for today. Please watch the video of me explaining the text and going through key vocabulary and ideas. Also below are some examples of the quiz I made from the information in the text. Best of luck everyone!
Here is a link to the fabulous Walkley Staff We belong together! song!
Friday 24th April
As part of our Maths lessons at school, we have a quick starter called CLIC. Your children are used to doing a quick test once a week.
Big Maths is the website that we use to administer these tests. Due to the lockdown, they have very kindly started to make parent packs to help you continue this learning at home. I have put the CLIC 6, 8 and 9 packs below this message. Not all CLIC packs are available but please ask your child which CLIC they are on and have a look at the one nearest that number if it isn't on here! Feel free to have a go at some of the questions together.
Please watch this video to see some of the strategies we use to help in answering the questions:
Finally, we are going to start using Google Forms to set tasks and allow you to feed back and communicate with us! Here are some CLIC tests which you can answer online. Please choose your CLIC level and have a go! You will be able to see your score at the end of the test.
Not all CLIC levels are here so if you can't see your CLIC level please try the closest number to yours, such as one level above or below. Good luck!
Reading and Writing
To link with our positional language and co-ordinates learning, please read this information text on how to make a treasure map! Then you can write your own instructions. Bonus points for using some of the language learned this week!
For example:
1. Begin at the dark place where bats stay.
2. Take 3 steps forwards, but beware of fallen ash!
3. Take a quarter turn and continue for 5 more steps.
Task 1
Finish off my example, using the map below. Try to write at least 3 more directions!
Task 2
Make your own treasure map and write your own directions, or use one from yesterday if you already made one!
Task 3
Write a riddle about your treasure. You will need to decide what the treasure is and then describe it using adjectives. Maybe when someone finds the treasure they will need to solve the riddle before taking it!
For example:
You can wear me, but I won't keep you warm.
I am very expensive, but very small.
I am sparkly, shiny and hard.
You might give me as a special present.
What am I?
Send pictures of your work and your answer to my riddle using the Google Form below!
Thursday the 23rd of April 2020
Happy Thursday folks! Please watch my video first and then read what is in store for you today! (Reading, maths and music!)
Reading and writing:
Please re watch The Secret of the Kelpie. Then choose 1 of these tasks below. (If you want to do more, that's brilliant! )
Task 1: To draw a picture of your favourite part of the story and explain why you like it. Please use because and so in your answer.
Task 2: To write a sequel to the story set in 2020 where children on holiday come across the kelpie and the special stone.
Task 3: To make a comic of the story. You have done this in guided reading a few times so please remember to draw and write the first part of the story and then move to the last panel to write and draw the ending. That way you will not run out of space! You can lay it out however you like but here are a few examples below.
Maths tasks!
As explained in the video we are looking at coordinates and grid references today to improve our directional and map reading skills. The difference between a grid reference and coordinates is that a grid reference plots a point in a box and uses letters and numbers where as coordinates plot a point on a line and only uses numbers. Both need our skills to understand x and y axis. For both x comes first then y (x,y).
Task 1: Become a jungle ranger and use grid references to find key places!
Task 2: Use coordinates to plot points against the clock!
Task 3: To use coordinate reading skills to find treasure!
Task 4: To draw your own map, draw a grid, draw items of interest and then write down their grid references (plot in the box using letters and numbers) or coordinates (plot on the line and only using numbers). Perhaps you could test your adults skills at map reading!! Please look at my example below but yours could be set in a town, zoo, jungle, treasure island or anywhere you like!
Here is today's lesson brought to you by the excellent Bitesize. We will look at how to warm up your voice and use it as an amazing instrument!
Wednesday 22nd April
Hello there! Here is a short recap of how to add tens to a 2-digit number.
Please watch and then have a go at the number sentences below. They get harder so feel free to pick the ones you are comfortable with or challenge yourself with the later ones.
11 + 10, 23 + 10, 35 + 20, 42 + 20, 64 + 30, 27 + 40, 79 + 30, 94 + 40, 88 + 20.
Position and direction - task 1
Please watch the video below and complete the tasks with me. You will need a small toy and/or a pencil/pen.
Position and direction - task 2
Please watch the video below and afterwards play the game with a partner or a toy!
Position and direction - task 3
Watch this video and have a go at the task!
Have a go at the second lesson in the sequence on The Firework Maker's Daughter:
Learn some numbers in Spanish in preparation for y3!
Tuesday 21st of April
Hello lovely Walkley people! Today's maths follows on with understanding the values of different coins. To start let's get our bodies and brains awake! You will need a bit of space for this!:
Today we will look at different ways to make amounts using coins.
Please have a look at these short films
Task 1:
To make 10p in as many different combinations as you can! Remember there is no such thing as a 3p coin (Please take a photo and email if you can)! If you still need
more practice to identify different coins, please try this fun spot the coin game:
Task 2: To make 30p in as many combinations as you can!
Then play this game! (start on level 2): https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/customCars/index.html
Task 3: To make £1 (100p) in as many combinations as possible.
Task 4: To play this super game by Natwest bank! (try easy or hard levels):
Today using the new government's work at home lessons you can start to read Philip Pulman's fantastical The Firework Maker's Daughter and retrieve key information from the text.
Geography and History
To link with the Firework Maker's Daughter let's look at the actual period the story was set in and how we know what happened so long ago in ancient China.
Maths - Monday 20th April
Hello Y2! Today we start by revising one of our CLIC methods for finding double of 2-digit numbers. Please watch this video for a recap of the method, then find double of the numbers below. They get harder so don't worry if you find the last few too hard, just have a go at the ones you can do.
Please find double: 3, 6, 8, 12, 14, 22, 31, 45, 36, 47, 52, 58
Money task 1
For the rest of the lesson we'll be looking at money. Please watch this video and complete the task with me. If you have any coins in your house they will be handy but you can still do the lesson without, by drawing or writing the coins.
Money Task 2
Now please watch this video:
Then continue working out more ways to make 20p using the coins.
If you want an easier option, try making 10p and if you would like a challenge, try making 50p.
Please remember to wash hands after handling money as it can spread germs!
Money task 3
For an extra challenge, have a go at these games:
Friday 17th of April
Happy Friday folks! I hope you have been enjoying learning about capacity and reading scales this week. Thank you to LM for sending us a picture of her fantastic capacity investigation!
If you wish to get in contact with Miss Robinson or Mr Malcolm or wish to share photos of your super work please email them to the school office :(enquiries@walkley.sheffield.sch.uk )
Please try the fun capacity game found at the bottom of this web page:
Now please play this capacity game again. Try it on different levels and remember 1/2 a litre is 500ml.
Finally, play this super thermometer game but remember to choose Celsius as the unit of measurement. In the USA and some other countries they measure temperature in Fahrenheit but in the UK we use Celsius (C°).
Maths - Thursday 16th April
Hi Y2s! Today you'll be getting a bit more practice reading scales and we'll be looking at unmarked scales - where some of the numbers on the scale aren't shown, so you have to do a bit of problem solving to work out what they are!
Please watch the following video and join in by trying to read the scales.
Afterwards, you could have a look at the jugs in your house and see if you can work out what they are going up in (are they going up in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s?) Get your grown up to pour different amounts for you to read.
Please also have a go at the questions below. No need to print, just say the answer to your grown up or write them on a piece of paper. Good luck!
Maths for Wednesday 15th of April
Hello Y2s! I hope we are all carrying on being brilliant and are ready for more capacity activities. To begin with, we will be measuring the capacity of how much different vessels can hold in millilitres (ml) and litres(l). There are 1000 ml in 1l. How many millilitres are there in 2 litres? (2,000 ml).
Activity 1
Now please watch this clip of me putting different vessels' capacity in the correct order from smallest to largest. After that, it is your turn! Please go around your home finding containers, reading their capacity in ml or l and place them in order from smallest to largest capacity. Remember to do this activity with an adult to make sure nothing is spilt, broken or harmful to you.
Activity 2
In this activity I will pass on a treasured family secret on how to make the ultimate orange squash juice! You will need a measuring jug, 2 glasses, water and concentrated orange squash. Please guard the secret with your life!
Watch this clip and all will be revealed:
A brilliant capacity game with rockets! (Please do the steps of 50ml or 10ml games)
A capacity cartoon!
Reading different scales:
Have a play with a virtual measuring container!:
Extra Work for Wednesday!
Hi all, if you would like to do some extra work after looking at capacity, here are some fun activities to do online!
Revise and practise your grammar and spelling with this awesome Karate Cats game!:
Here is a fantastic reading adventure game based on "The Worst Witch" series of books.
Finally, here is a Minecraft coding challenge!
Maths - Tuesday 14th April
Hello Y2! We hope you have had a lovely Easter break. Welcome back (remotely!) We start this term with capacity. In this video I have two fun, practical tasks for you.
TOP TIP - These activities include using water. If you'd like to be eco-friendly and save water, fill up your sink before starting so you can reuse some of it! (I didn't think of this at the time unfortunately!)
Please watch the below video and complete the tasks mentioned in the video. It will help to pause the video at various points and I will prompt you to do this.