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Summer 1

Week 5

Here are the Gruffalos setting up a hydroponic system to grow their broad beans!

Week 4

The Gruffalos have been learning athletics skills this term in PE. So far we have learnt about sprinting, long jump and long throws. Today we looked at throwing short range with accuracy. Here are the Gruffalos throwing under arm, focusing on their stance and being mindful of their follow through.

The Gruffalos were in the creative room today planting sunflower seeds. Throughout this term's science lessons we will be studying our plants and learning about the life cycle of a plant. Well done you green fingered Gruffalos!

This week we have been learning about and making time lines to chart people who have made a positive change this century and the last. Here are 2 people who we will be making collages of. Please watch these videos and have a discussion at home about these inspiring and peaceful people.


Mahatma Gandhi:


Rosa Parks

Week 3

Here is a super times table game to play

Week 2

The Gruffalos finally conducted their experiment on the lunch box designs. We made sure the investigation was a fair test by ensuring that the different lunch boxes were the only variables for each test. Rain was simulated with a water pistol (3 squirts) and seagull attacks with a nerf gun (3 darts). All the children's designs successfully carried the sushi through the course and were either shock proof , water proof or impressively both. This now ends our "Land of the Rising Sun" topic and we now move on to "People Who Have Positively Changed the World"

Week 1

Dr Seuss' The Sneetches Full Version YouTube

The Gruffalos have been reading Dr Seuss's wonderful story, "The Sneetches" which is all about segregation and prejudice. Please ask your child about this fun but thought provoking book.
