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Summer 1

Y1 Jolly Posties Dance summer 1 (2)

Here are the Jolly Posties doing their final cheerleading dance performance.

Y1 Jolly Posties dance summer 1

Cheerleading dance performance group 2

The children have been enjoying learning new racket skills in PE, the children have participated in ball games and have been learning how to balance and control a ball on a racket. The children have persevered whilst learning new skills despite some skills being challenging and have been successful in learning various racket skills.

We've had fun in forest school this week, drawing the background and foreground of Sheffield as part of our Art, Sharing objects into halves and quarters as part of Maths, looking at deciduous and evergreen tress in Science and finally just exploring the forest. The children enjoyed making daisy chains, listening to forest sounds and making pictures out of sticks.

The children loved their arts and crafts class wide reward party today. We hope you enjoy their lovely creations!

We had a special visitor today, with Mr Drew coming to visit us to explain how people who are Jewish celebrate Shabbat.  Mr Drew explained some of the rituals and we all had a go and trying some delicious Challah Bread.  
