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Summer 1

In Read Write Inc, children who have completed the programme end up in 'Star group'. This is where these fluent readers begin to learn about our 'Vipers' scheme. They will be taught to consider vocabulary, inference, prediction, explaining their answers and sequencing alongside summarising. In this weeks topic of 'I want my hat back' by Jon Klassen, the children are summarising and sequencing the story by acting it out.

In History Mrs Wilson visited us to talk about how Walkley was in the 1960s. We had an amazing chat and asked her so many interesting questions.

In Science we have been putting all our plant knowledge to the test by comparing a range of different plants. The children looked at real plants along with photos of other types of plants. They came up with their own groups to sort the plants into and used some great vocabulary, such as evergreen, deciduous, wild and garden plants.

In art this term, we are looking at street art. Our focus task was to use different things to paint with on floors or walls. A selection of rollers and brushes were used and of course, we only used water. It is impressive how well the children have done using limited resources.

Continuing our science theme this term, we had visitors in the Posties. These fab tadpoles were kindly brought in for us to meet. We have been told they will visit again when they are a bit bigger.

In Science we have been planting mystery seeds so the children do not know what the plant will grow into. They have made predictions about what it could be and will be observing their plants over the next few weeks.

Welcome back! The children have returned full of beans and absolutely on point. We've been really proud of their can do attitude. We have started our summer term at forest school. Apart from the hurricane and squall on Monday it's been a fab week. We planned to make some art using natural materials. So the children drew their picture and then reproduced them using sticks, leaves, blossoms...anything they could find. As you can see they did a fantastic job of it.
