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Summer 1

A Week of Culinary Deilghts




We visited Wagamama in Leopold Square to sample Japanese cuisine. We learned all about making different foods (and got to enjoy eating some too) today. The Y6s were brilliantly behaved and asked lots of interesting questions.

Baking Bread with Gerry


We've been very fortunate to have been visited by Gerry (of Gerry's Bakery fame) during our Design & Technoogy lessons this week. We have benefitted greatly from his expertise as he has shown us how to make dough for baking bread.


The children have had a chance to taste and evaluate different types of bread. They then had the opportunity to make their own bread shapes out of bread and take them home to eat (yum).

SATs Week

The Year 6s have been absolutely fantastic during SATs week. From coming in early for breakfast to the focus and determination that the showed during the tests, the children have shown that they are maturing in preparation for Year 7.

Y6 Highwayman
