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Summer 1

In art we have been print making. This week we produced our final piece - a Lino print. We carefully cut the Lino before applying ink and printing into our books and onto fabric.

Magna visit, Tuesday 4th June 2024

Good afternoon, wonderful Y5!
We've had a reminder from our lovely office staff that today is the deadline for ordering a school packed lunch for the trip to Magna after the half term holiday - there are, apparently, 40 outstanding responses...
As the sun is shining, and we're all in a good mood, the deadline has been extended until this coming Monday, 20th May. If you need a school packed lunch and have not yet responded, you will need to let the office know before the end of Monday please. Thank you!
Have a great weekend,
The Year 5 Team.

For one of our forest school sessions this week we collect leaves which we then used to make prints. We carefully applied paint to the leaves using a sponge then pressed them onto paper to reveal the pattern.

We practised writing expanded noun phrase in English today, we swapped with partners part way through writing to make some very interesting sentences!

Last week we practised the triple jump in PE as part of our Athletics unit.

We loved making pitta pizzas for our class wide reward treat!

In geography we have started a new unit on Transport. This week we have been learning about UK imports and exports, we learnt where the UK imports products from and what we export to other countries.

In PE we have started a new unit on Athletics. We have been learning about pace, matching the speed of a partner, how to maintain stamina over a longer distance and running a relay.
