Y4 Maths investigations for division!
Foxes helped Miss Kendall as she was finding it difficult to divide some thread in a shop into equal pieces.
They used cuisenaire rods and numicon to support their understanding of division. Some children even had an extra challenge of helping Miss Kendall with the costs of the thread in the shop.
River Collage
We have been learning and discussing about the causes of river pollution and how this is damaging to our environment.
We created our very own Walkley River going past supermarkets, factories and sewages. This unfortunately lead to a very polluted river!! We used a range of materials to create a collage of our river and how it could look if it was polluted.
We then brainstormed ways in which we could stop and prevent water pollution from happening.
Y4 are sadly coming to the end of our Anglo-Saxon and Viking topic. We are true masters of this time in our British History!
Throughout the topic, we have done endless amounts of drama to really understand what it could have been like for people in the past.
We discussed what people would be doing in itinerant courts (a travelling kings camp which moves around the country) when travelling with their king. We specifically looked at what King Athelstans followers could be doing in the build up for negotiations with the surrounding leaders at Eamont Bridge. Which essentially led to the Formation of England!
Can you spot what the people are doing at the camp?