Another fantastic week in Caterpillars. We have been very busy searching for Miss Hill's Bog Baby. It went missing on Tuesday. We have created WANTED posters and stuck them all around the classroom.
There have been some great races with paper aeroplanes as we have been talking about distance. Lots of members of staff made a plane for us to test. We can safely say that some were safer than others. Our planes flew really far and and we are getting really good at throwing them well. We talked about how far we walk. Would you walk to Meadowhall? Australia? Asda? The seaside? We had a great discussion and have been using the language learnt during free time in Continuous Provision.
Have a really lovely and restful holiday.
See you next week.
Miss Hill
We have had an amazing week exploring 'The Bog Baby'. We started the week reading a little bit about him. Each child then was then given their own to take home! They were given a task to make their own home for their Boy Baby. We thought about what the Bog Baby would be able to see, smell, hear and feel. We have done some amazing writing about our homes.
The Caterpillars really enjoyed exploring Bog Baby related things around Continuous Provision. We had children making houses for their Bog Baby, children making models of him, children drawing him and writing about his house. Remember Caterpillars, look after him over the weekend and bring him back on Monday :)
Honey Sandwiches
The children have been learning all about bees. We discussed the amazing job they do and how they work really hard to make honey.
We all wanted to try honey so we decided to make honey sandwiches. We wrote a list of ingredients we would need and went through the step by step instructions for how to make a honey sandwiches. The children loved making their own sandwiches and we all loved eating them even more. A big thumbs up for the honey sandwiches!
As well as all of this fun... our butterflies emerges from their cocoons. It was amazing for us all to watch. We loved setting them free in to the beautiful sunshine. Whilst the weather has been so nice, we have also enjoyed having 'Caterpillar Jacuzzi' open for business. A great way to cool off in the shade!
Thank for a great week
Miss Hill
A message from the children. "Get well soon Miss Hargreaves. We miss you and hope you are okay. Love from Caterpillars. xx"
On Friday, we had our Class Wide Reward party… in the forest! We loved having hot chocolate and popcorn made on the fire with Mr Butler. Thank you everyone for a really lovely week. You have all been fantastic. That’s it for Forest School in Reception. I can’t to hear about the adventures you get up to in Year 1.
On Thursday, due to yesterday’s rain. We had a change of plan. We were due to have our fire with Mr Butler and chargrill fruit kebabs, but it was too wet. But that didn’t stop us! We put on our wellies and went out to hang our bug hotels and make minibeast nature pictures.
We had a look around the environment for sticks and leaves to make nature picture of a minibeast. There were some fantastic butterflies, hoverflies and caterpillars. We especially loved the worms (also known as a stick!)
On Wednesday, Miss Hill spotted a letter from The King of Tiny Things. He needed our help protecting the insects in the forest. He asked us to build bug hotels. We collected as many natural resources from around the forest and stuffed them into a plastic bottle. When it was full, it was time to perform ‘The Tip Test’. Turn it upside down, does anything fall out? If it does… you’ve got to keep filling. Tomorrow, we will hang them in the trees and wait for the occupants to move in.
Day 1
On Tuesday, the Caterpillars enjoyed exploring and finding out what had changed since our last visit in Winter.
We did maths in the forest. We took different shaped carpet tiles and chatted about how we could make the shapes using sticks. We talked about the length of the sides and how many each shape needed. We made our shapes using sticks. The circle was a real challenge. We then collected one stick longer and another shorter than Miss Hill’s. We then got into groups and ordered our sticks from shortest to longest.
Week 3
This week, we have really taken our class name by storm! We arrived at school on Monday... and our caterpillars had vanished! We didn't know where they had gone. We searched and searched. Children started making missing posters and writing descriptions of what they looked like. Before long, these were stuck on the doors and windows around the classroom. We came in after lunch to a glittery trail leading up to the stool. delicately placed on the stool was our caterpillar pot with a 'DO NOT TOUCH' sign. The caterpillars had become cocoons! There was a tiny scroll on top from The King of Tiny Things. He had spent the weekend looking after the caterpillars and helping them become chrysalises. He wasn't sure of what happened next.
The Caterpillars (the children) sprung into action and we found out about the life cycle of a caterpillar (the insect). We watched a video which gave us lots of information and looking in non-fiction books. We realised the repeating pattern of their lives. We draw our own life cycles and are waiting for the next stage to take place in the classroom!
We came in on Thursday to another glittery trail. This time... on the stool was a tiny crown and cloak. They had to be The King of Tiny Things. We also discovered a child sized version too. Miss Hill found a tiara and put it on her head. Before you knew it... The Queen of Tiny Things was in our classroom. She was telling us all about her husband and how he is so busy looking after the minibeasts. She wanted us to draw life cycles to help explain to her husband how it all works.
Damon put on the child side crown and cloak... and before you knew it... he WAS the King of Tiny Things. It was great to finally meet him and be able to ask him questions about what he gets up to. He had been busy making wet mud for the slugs to slither in.
Friday rounded the week up with a focus on butterflies. We needed to find out what will happen to our cocoons. We watched a video of one emerging and used descriptive language to explain to each other. We realised... with Anna's help... that butterfly wings are symmetrical. We did symmetry dancing and then designed our own butterfly wings.
What an incredibly fascinating week Caterpillars. Let's see what happens to our real ones over the weekend.
See you on Tuesday for FOREST SCHOOL
Thank you
Miss Hill
We came back from lunch and there we had received a tiny envelope... it was in very tiny writing! Who could it be from? It read...
I am the King of Tiny things who creep and crawl and buzz their wings. Follow me, Follow me, Follow me!
I am worried for the tiny things in the school forest, I haven't seen them for many long nights. For the love of tiny things will you be my creepy crawlie kings and queens and help me find where they are hiding? Please write back soon and tell me what you find!
Forever your magical friend,
The King of Tiny Things
This could only mean one thing.... a bug hunt must happen! Off the Caterpillars went into the forest to see which creepy crawlies they could find. We need to tell The King of Tiny Things all about them!
Another very busy week in the Caterpillar class. We were very busy with lots of Easter craft. We enjoyed making Easter cards and Easter baskets. On Thursday, we briefly left the classroom, came back and found... glittery rabbit footprints! The Easter Bunny had been to visit our classroom. They had left an egg in each basket. Thank you so much Eater Bunny.
Our Easter bonnet parade was fantastic. Each hat was beautiful. Well done everyone. You had put a lot of effort into making your hats. Assembly was a fabulous way to see all of the hats.
We have really enjoyed exploring our new topic - A Bug's Life. We have read 'The King of Tiny Things' and have started discussing mini beasts and how to look after them. We are excited to read a bit more of the book next week and see what might happen.
We have a fantastic visit from Ezra's mum. She helped us plant potatoes. The Caterpillars learnt lots of about growing plants, including potatoes. We have got lots of responsibility to keep them watered and help them grow. Thank you so much Ruth!
Thanks so much Caterpillars.
Have a lovely Easter.
Miss Hill