Press play to watch our Brilliant Brazil Travel Guide audiobook!
Ice creams on our very own 'Copacabana Beach' as part of our classwide reward party!
As part of our South American Adventure, we found ourselves exploring the depths of the Amazon rainforest. This tall and densely packed jungle is one of the Earth's oldest living ecosystems and is an amazing, mysterious and beautiful place. After performing a range of rainforest poems, we have been describing what we would be able to see and hear on our own adventure. Knowing that the climate of a tropical rainforest is hot and humid, we could also infer what it would feel like to be in the Amazon. We used these idas to write our own rainforest acrostic poems focusing on using powerful, descriptive language. Fantastic work Aslans!
Forest School!
After closely inspecting the demolition of Tennyson building, Y3s have been busy practising our class poem 'The Black Panther', inspired by the BBC advert for the Rio 2016 Olympics. The Y3s worked brilliantly in their groups, putting their own twist on the poem before performing with confidence to the rest of the class!
We set up a science investigation to find out what a plant needs to grow well. In Forest School, we planted some bean seeds and will keep them in different conditions in the classroom and observe what happens to them over time. We also all planted our very own sunflower seed. We will look after them in the classroom for a while and hope that they all grow!
Tennyson Ted
Y3 had the honour of adding the first painted fingerprints to Tennyson Ted. We can't wait to find him again on the Bears of Sheffield sculpture trail.
Today, we started our new DT unit, Terrific Textiles!
In Forest School, we started making our own 'Ojo de Dios' (God's Eye) which are commonly found in Mexican and South American communities. Traditionally, these are a spiritual symbol - the points of a God’s Eye represent the four elements of nature: earth, fire, air and water, and the centre represents the eye of God.
*iPad Week*
It's an exciting week in Aslan class using the new class set of iPads for the first time!
In Maths, we started our lesson by all logging onto Times Table Rockstars for a quick practise. We also discovered a new feature - Jamming mode - where we can choose which times tables we want to challenge ourselves to!
In Guided Reading this week, we are creating an audiobook all about the Rio Olympics based on last week's text. Today, we planned out our videos before searching and saving relevant images.
Following our performances of ‘The Black Panther' , we used this as a model to structure our own poems about the jaguar and the caiman who also featured in the BBC Rio Olympics advert. We focused on using a short opening line to capture the reader’s attention as well as using powerful language and simile to describe the key characteristics of the animal.
Here are some examples of their fantastic poems!
Stop-motion animation!
We used Stop Motion animation and iMovie to publish our finished poems. Here are some behind the scene photos as well as our finished video. Enjoy!
There's a Rangtan in Our Classroom
After watching the Greenpeace advert 'There's a Rangtan in my Bedroom', we have been using our powers of persuasion to convince companies to take action to ensure the palm oil used in their products does not contribute to further deforestation. We enjoyed doing the 'Palm Oil Conga' and a little more stop-motion animation along the way - inspired by the amazing digital animation below!
We have used our weaving skills to design and create a new coat for our very own Peruvian llamas. The llama is a South American relative of the camel, though the llama does not have a hump. I'm sure you'll agree, they look more suited for the catwalk than a trek up Machu Picchu!
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