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Summer term 1

Week 6


This week the Anansis have been using their senses in science. As scientists, they investigated using their senses in isolation. As they moved from each activity they needed to use a different sense for each one, from playing eye spy, to a smell test. We finished off with a nice calm listening experiment and it was amazing how much we could hear when we really concentrated on just the sense of hearing. As you can see, we had a fantastic time and learned lots! 

Senses Song

The Senses Song is a science song that teaches the 5 senses: Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, Sound. Free Teaching Resources:

We have continued with our fantastic fractions and have been learning about quarters. We learned that quarters are four equal parts and then we investigated which shapes could be folded or cut into four equal pieces and which ones couldn't be folded easily. Great team work and great investigating from the Anansi class!

Week 5


We had such a fantastic time celebrating Eid in Anansi this week. The children looked so fabulous in their party time finery that we decided to have a fashion show. They really did strut their stuff!


Anansi Eid celebration SD 480p

It's been so lovely to back in the Anansi classroom, with almost everyone back! We have been super star learners in maths this week and have started our learning about Fractions. We learned about two equal parts being halves and practised folding and cutting shapes to make equal halves. We then used our problem solving skills in a treasure hunt to put all of the halved shapes back together to make the whole. The children have used so much accurate maths vocabulary and definitely all agree that halves need to be equal, especially if they're sharing cake! 

We've been getting ready for Wimbledon in Anansi with our superb tennis skills. This week we have been working on our serve. 

Week 2


The anansis have had another busy week full of learning! We have been learning all about our topic of the great fire of London. We did some singing and have learned some of this song. Why not have a practice at home?

Great Fire of London: September 1666 - Children's song with words by Al Start

This song tells the story of the Great Fire of London for your primary KS1 topic. September 1666 by Al Start split screen format video for whiteboard. The fi...

We have also used drama and art to learn more about what it would have been like to have been living in London at the time of the fire. 

Week 1


What a fantastic start the Anansi's have had! We have been so impressed with their confidence and enthusiasm!


In maths this week, we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have used objects and songs to help us practice and then have applied this to lots of different activities. 

Counting By Twos Song

The Counting By Twos Song by Have Fun Teaching is a counting song that teaches skip counting by two.Download the Counting Videos:

Whatcha Gonna Do? Count by 5s and 10s Song

In science we have been observing the changes to our bean plant and discussing what has changed. We also discussed the bean plants that went home and it's great to hear that so many of them are still healthy and growing! We then did an observational drawing of our bean plant and carried out an amazing experiment where we made our drawings come to life! 


If you want to try the experiment, you can follow the link here
