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Summer Term 1

Week 5

The children have done brilliantly learning about division this week. We started by sharing out objects into equal groups and progressed to drawing the groups and sharing the amounts pictorially.

We had a lot of fun dancing with Amy this week and didn't even mind a bit of rain at the end!

Please check out these amazing and imaginative stories based on 'George's Dragon'. The children had some brilliant ideas and worked hard on their presentation for their final draft.

Week 4

In Art we've been making collages of 'people who have positively changed the world.' The children have worked so hard, choosing appropriate colours and cutting and sticking them carefully.

In Science this week the children have been learning about seed dispersal. This involving looking closely at pictures of plants to work out the type of seed dispersal they use. We also made our own 'sycamore seeds' to see how they spin when they are dispersed by wind.

Week 3


This week we've been learning and adapting a story called 'George's Dragon.' Ask you child about their mythical creature and the trouble it has caused!

A highlight of the week was putting our fingerprints onto the very colourful Tennyson Ted!

The children loved their first lesson with the glockenspiels. The music teacher was very impressed with how sensible they were and how well they listened. They had a go at playing 'hot cross buns.' Bravo Storm whales!

Week 2


This week we have really got into our new theme and started learning more about key people who have positively changed the world. Here is a fun game we have played a little in class, which links to our theme:

This term we've been learning to locate the seven continents, including where our key 'people who have changed the world' are from.

In Maths we've been focusing on position and direction... here are the children playing a game where one has to give directions to find the treasure.

In PE we've been practising ball skills: throwing and catching and keeping control of the ball while balanced on a racket and using a hockey stick.

Finally our music lessons have got off to a great start... the children really enjoyed learning some new songs along with learning about rhythm and trying to sing in a round, which was quite tricky!

Week 1


The children have been fabulous as usual and settled back in brilliantly. It's always lovely to see them again in such good spirits.

In Literacy many of us have been learning a story by Dr Suess called 'The Sneetches'. This is a story of inequality and the children were brilliant in recognising this and understanding that we are all equal and should be treated as such! Here are some photos of them acting out the story.

In maths the children have been doing lots of measuring in metres and centimetres. Here are some photos of them finding objects more and less than a metre.
